
State Migration Service held an event dedicated to the elimination of statelessness in Lankaran

The State Migration Service regularly holds events for the purpose of elimination of statelessness and the organization of awareness raising activities in this area.

The next event was held in Lankaran. At the conference held in the administrative building of the Heydar Aliyev Center participated authorized representatives of the City Executive Power, judicial authorities, passport and registration offices of police departments, municipal members and executive representatives of administrative territorial entity, academia and public representatives, foreigners and stateless persons.  

The participants were informed about the activity directions of the SMS, obligations of the Service in settlement of citizenship issues and measures taken to eliminate statelessness.

It was mentioned that as defined in the law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, a foreigner and stateless person permanently residing on a legal basis within the territory of the Republic for the last five years may be admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan at his own request.

It was highlighted that during the 6 months of 2018, the State Migration Service received 320 applications from foreigners and stateless persons for admission to citizenship of the country and 58 of them were admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 7 applications about restoration of the citizenship have been received, 2 of them have been restored to citizenship of the country. Out of 13,341 applications related to the establishment of citizenship of a person 11,804 were considered as citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 1,600 citizens were not recognized as a citizen of the country, impossible to determine the citizenship of 991 persons was not possible due to failure in submission of required documents.

At the event it was highlighted that it is important to strengthen cooperation with local executive authorities for documentation of stateless persons and illegally residing foreigners in the service area of the Lankaran regional migration department.

Afterwards discussions were held around the topic.

Mobile service was organized for documentation of foreigners and stateless persons residing  in the service area of Lankaran regional migration department.

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