
Conference on citizenship issues held at Qakh by State Migration Service

State Migration Service held regional conference at Qakh district in the direction of the identification of stateless persons living on the territory of the  country and their documentation.

At the conference participated authorized representatives of the Executive Power of Qakh district, judicial authorities, passport and registration offices of police departments, members of municipalities and executive representatives of administrative territorial entity, academia and public representatives, foreigners and stateless persons.

Head of Executive Authority of Qakh District Musa Shakiliyev opened the conference and highlighted the importance of activities, meetings, as well as the work done by the State Migration Service for the purpose of legal enlightenment of public in migration field and documentation of stateless persons.

Chief of the Citizneship Issues Head Department of State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Rza Talibov primarily talked about the activity directions of the Service. Afterwards he informed about the measures taken for strengthening human rights protection in our country. It was emphasized  that ensuring human rights and freedoms is one of the supreme principles of state policy.

He stated that until June 1, 2018, 107,740  persons’ citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been established by the Service and they have been provided with identification documents of the citizen of the country by the relevant state body. Moreover,  according to the relevant orders of the President of Azerbaijan, 2257 persons have been admitted to Azerbaijani citizenship and citizenship of 68 persons have been restored since 2008. 1529 of the persons admitted to citizenship, and 44 of those whose citizenship has been restored are stateless persons.

It was emphasized that for the documentation of stateless persons and foreigners illegally living in the service area of Shaki regional migration department it is important to strengthen cooperation with local executive bodies.

Afterwards discussions were held around the topics.

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