
An event dedicated to the World Refugee day held in Baku

An event dedicated to the World Refugee Day was held in Baku on June 20. At first, the event participants watched a photo-exhibition about the life of refugees and IDPs.

At the event held at the International Mugam Center, theatre performance was demonstrated on the subject.

Representative of the UN High Commisioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan, Furio De Angelis referring to the problem of refugees and internally displaced people in the world stated that,  the organization he represents helps refugees all over the world through voluntary donations. He noted that this year the number of people fled their country in the world has reached its maximum. This urges us to think deeply about the causes of the problem. All states and related organizations should make joint efforts for the solution of the problem. Azerbaijan has made great efforts in the direction of the solution of the issue of refugees and internally displaced persons. Azerbaijan has great opportunities to contribute to the solution of refugee problems in the world. Azerbaijan is a country with the potential to protect persons who flee from their countries of origin third and seek refuge  here and we widely use these potential. Furio De Angelis congratulated Azerbaijani people and state on grand return to Cocuq Marcanli.

Later on video message of UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi has been presented.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Ahmadov stated that the problem of refugees and internally displaced persons which emerged 30 years ago in our country is worrying the whole world today. Today there are more than 68 million refugees and IDPs in the world. The solution of this problem should be most important issue for the whole world. Refugee problem all over the world is easier than the situation in Azerbaijan. This problem is even worse in Azerbaijan. Because in our republic with a population of about 10 million, one million people live in refugee and IDP situation. Today, states and politicians in the world are making efforts to solve this problem. Countries allocate aid in this regard. However, it seems that, justice has been deteriorated in the world and problem of refugee and IDP have rised. If justice were maintained, this problem would not been so painful.  More than one million Azerbaijani after becoming a refugee and IDP, as a result of Armenia's ethnic cleansing policy, it was necessary to understand that this would not end with a single country. Due to the lack of proper attention towards this problem which put Azerbaijan in a difficult situation in past, is now shaking the whole world. Today, the causes of this problem should be investigated and joint efforts should be made in the direction of the solution of the issue. As a result of the great efforts of the Azerbaijani state, the social status of refugees in our country has improved considerably. However, they still have not returned to their homes. I consider that those who have never heard the voice of truth of Azerbaijan will listen to our call today. Our target is to liberate our occupied lands and return refugees to their homelands.

Chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and IDPs, Rovshan Rzayev stated that the main purpose of today's event is to bring into attention the importance of this issue once again. Fundamental works are being carried out in Azerbaijan on refugee and IDP problems. However this problem creates a great anxiety around the world. Relevant agencies should work together  related to the solution of the problem of refugees and IDPs.

The Chief of State Migration Service, Vusal Huseynov, highlighted in his speech that global problems require a global approach. Unfortunately, the international approach focused not on the reasons but on the consequences. Looking at the statistical dynamics, it seems that this issue is really a global problem and requires a new serious approach. We see that the problem of refugees and IDPs in the world is gradually deepening. New measures need to be taken to prevent these issues. Efforts should be increased to ensure the durability of the taken measures. Big states should eliminate double standards and indifference to the issue. The Azerbaijani state is an example in this issue. However, this issue does not end with the elimination of social problems of refugees and IDPs. These people should return to their native lands.

Chief of the Service added that today the Azerbaijani government pays special attention to the issues of refugees from third countries residing  in our country, they are always treated with care at SMS’s detention centers and by other relevant departments.

The event ended with a cultural segment.

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