
Third meeting of working group on reintegration held on May 29

Chief of the State Migration Service (SMS) Vusal Huseynov stated that very important issues are included to the agenda of the third meeting of the working group on reintegration, organized in the headquarters of the Service. The chief of the Service stressed that in order to accelerate the social and economic reintegration of the readmitted persons and ensure the sustainable return, the working group, which is established with the order of the cabinet of Ministers, was entrusted with serious responsibilities. V. Huseynov drew attention to the complex approach to the readmission process of the Azerbaijani citizens upon readmission agreements, living abroad in uncertain situation, prompt solution of the difficulties and problems faced by readmitted persons, as well as urgency of the effective organization of reintegration of above mentioned persons to the society. He also noted the measures carried out by the Issues of Readmission of the State Migration Service related to the persons readmitted to the country.

At the meeting it was informed that over the past period, on the basis of letters addressed to the competent state bodies, represented in the working group previously - the Ministry of Healthcare, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population and the Ministry of Education, relevant measures have been taken to provide the necessary assistance to the readmitted persons.

In addition, for the purpose of eliminating the difficulties faced by the persons from this vulnerable category, the relevant letters have also been addressed to the local executive bodies by SMS.

A report was also presented at the meeting. It was noted, due to the increase of the number of applications, there is a need to systematize the activities of the working group on reintegration, establish specific deadlines for the relevant bodies to carry out relevant work related to the persons whose information was sent at the initial stage. Moreover, the importance of the active participation of members of the working group in reintegration process was underlined.

The meeting continued its work by the discussion of a number of important issues in the working order.

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