
Awareness raising event was held for hotel representatives in Shaki.

In connection with the start of summer tourist season State Migration Service held an awareness raising event about the rules on registration of foreigners upon place of stay with the representatives of hotels, sanatorium, rest house, camping, tourist base operating in the regions included to  the service area of Shaki Regional Migration Department.

At the meeting information was provided about the activities carried out in the country for the development of the non-oil sector, especially tourism, as well as the work done to ensure the satisfaction of tourists arriving in the country. It was noted that the region is attractive in terms of tourism for foreigners. In particular with the arrival of the summer season the revival of the tourism sector in the region is being observed. It was stated that foreigners and stateless persons wishing to stay in the country for more than 10 days should get registered upon place of stay within 10 days. Hotel representatives should also know that they should provide foreigners' registration upon place of stay as their receiving party.  

Registration is also carried out at all "ASAN Service" centers operating in the country in parallel with the regional migration departments of the Service. At the same time, it is possible to register upon place of stay by using online services. No state fee is required for registration upon place of stay.

Furthermore, the rules of online registration of applications were also explained by video instructions.

The questions were answered at the end of the meeting.

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