
The 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan celebrated at the State Migration Service

The State Migration Service held an event on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan.

First, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.

The Chief of the State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov talked about the historic significance of the first secular, democratic republic created in the Muslim East on May 28, 1918, achievements gained in tense and complicated socio-political conditions during its 23 months long life. He noted that the Order "On the 100th Anniversary of the Democratic Republic Azerbaijan", signed by President Ilham Aliyev on May 16, 2017, is a clear example of special attention and respect to our national statehood history and attention to our national identity.

Head of the state declared 2018 as “Year of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan” and this in turn resembles high value given to the measures carried out during the period of the Democratic Republic, as well.

Chief of the State Migration Service noted that establishment of the Democratic Republic Azerbaijan, which we celebrate the 100th anniversary with pride is the logical outcome of our centuries-old history, our cultural development, national liberation struggle of our people. In that period important measures were taken to establish independent statehood traditions and a solid basis for future indipendence of Azerbaijan was founded.  V. Huseynov said that after the National leader Heydar Aliyev returned to power in 1993, with the insistent demand of our people, the activity of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was politically and legally was assessed. He mentioned that hanks to the care and attention of the great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev during the years of independence important steps have been taken to research and promote period of the Democratic Republic and work is continuing in this direction. He stated that our independent republic, the legitimate successor of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan is developing rapidly, following the democratic values of the Democratic Republic and holds a worthy place in the world community. Vusal Huseynov continued his speech that “I can say with pride that we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Republic at a historic time when our modern independent country, which incorporates European and Eastern values under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev has achieved a number of successes”.

Director of the Institute of Caucasian Studies of ANAS, member of the National Assembly, corresponding member of ANAS Musa Gasimli spoke about the special role and significance of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan in the history of our statehood. He highlighted the unexemplary service of the founders of the Republic. He noted that every page of the history of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, which has lived for only 23 months is very dear to all Azerbaijanis. Historian underlined that the steps taken by the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan to adopt their statehood attributes, military establishment, economy and culture, education and health had a great importance for our people. Despite the declaration of the republic in a serious public-political conditions, it has proven that our people are able to restore the traditions of statehood. He especially emphasized that long before the current democratic countries the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan gave women the right to vote for the first time in the Muslim East. One of the great achievements of the DRA was the de-facto recognition of Azerbaijan as an indipendent state at the Paris Peace Conference on January 11, 1920.  

Then the winners of chess and checkers competitions held among employees of the State Migration Service were awarded on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan organized by Trade Union Committee of the SMS.

At the end of the event documentary film “Azerbaijan Democratic Republic – 100 years” by Azerbaijan Television was demonstrated. 

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