
Chief of the State Migration Service met with local and foreign entrepreneurs

On May 18, a meeting was held with local and foreign businessmen under the leadership of newly appointed chief of the State Migration Service, Vusal Huseynov.

The purpose of the meeting was to deliver necessary information to the employers about work permits granted by State Migration Service and labor migration quota, to discuss the difficulties occurring during the provision of the need for foreign labor force, issues concerning entrepreneurs and other useful and practical topics.

The head of the State Migration Service talked about the rules and conditions of labor migrants' involvement in paid labor activity in the country as defined in the legislation.

V.Huseynov spoke about the tasks set by President Ilham Aliyev for the State Migration Service, the successful implementation of adopted State Programs and the attention and care for the development of entrepreneurship in the country. He noted that the achievements gained as a result of socio-economic policy carried out in the country and the favorable conditions created for the development of the private sector established significant opportunities for effective activity of the businessmen in our country.

As the state support to the private sector and entrepreneurship strengthens and favourable business and investment atmosphere settles in the Republic, the State Migration Service will further expand cooperation with entrepreneurs within its competence in accordance with the legislation. In this regard, the Service will always pay attention to the private sector and meetings will be held with employers regularly.

In order to improve process of granting work permits, increase the transparency and operatively review entrepreneurs' applications, a hotline was created to enable direct contact with chief of the State Migration Service regarding work permits. A hotline number and an email address are posted in the special section on the official website of the Service. V.Huseynov said that in case an employer faces with any problems regarding SMS or has a question related to issuance of work permit, he/she can directly contact chief of the Service through the hotline.

The head of the Service noted that issues related to the residence and stay of the foreign investors engaged in entrepreneurial activity in the country, as well as work permits have been simplified in terms of legislation. V.Huseynov underlined that according to the strategy defined by the head of the State, the State Migration Service, as a central executive authority in this sphere and within its mandate regulated by law will ensure processing of the employer’s applications regarding work permits and labor migration quota based on full transparency. Information related abovementioned will be posted on the webpage in a convenient and accessible manner. Negotiations have started on establishment of a Council on work permits consisting local and foreign entrepreneurs' confederations, representatives of large companies applying for work permits and soon the information on the activities of the Council will be publicized.

Moreover, e-bulletins will be prepared and sent to entrepreneurs electronically to inform them about innovations applied by the Service on work permits, recommendations and changes in legislation. The website of the Service also provides opportunities to subscribe with e-mails for receiving electronic bulletins and data.

Chief of the Service also emphasized that entrepreneurship subjects and employers should follow established procedures in engaging the foreign labor force in paid labor activity. He also noted the duties of the Service for protection of the domestic labor market. He said that in accordance with the "Rules on Determining Labor Migration Quota ", approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, dated on March 14, 2016, issuance of work permits for foreigners to engage in paid labor activities on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is realized within the framework of quota determined for each calendar year. Within 2018 calendar year, the labor migration quota in Azerbaijan has determined 7270.

It should be noted that, according to the Migration Code, principal conditions for performing labour activities by foreigners and stateless persons involve availability of a job vacancy that is not demanded by a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan having skills and qualification required for such job, inability of employment services to meet employers’ need in manpower at the cost of local labour resources. Legal entities, individuals dealing with entrepreneurship activity without establishing legal entities and the branches and representations of foreign legal entities can only employ foreigners and stateless persons within their own working places and should conclude a labor contract in compliance with validity period of the work permit. Concluding labor contract with foreigners without obtaining work permit is prohibited.

The meeting continued with discussion of useful and practical topics.

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