
Representatives of tourism sector got informed about migration

On the eve of beginning of the summer tourism season, there was conducted awareness type event with the participation of owners of tourism facilities, tourism information agencies and representatives of the regional tourism department operating in the territory of Khachmaz Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service.

The event participants were informed on measures realized to raise tourism potential in the country, rules of registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon the place of stay in our country and administrative responsibility. It was noted that the region, the area we operate is such a point of Azerbaijan that, it is impossible to imagine it without tourists. Especially in summer, we are witnessing the increase of the number of tourists visiting this zone. It was underlined that the tourists have to be registered upon the place of stay within 10 days after arriving to the country. Taking into the consideration the fact that tourists usually stay in hotels, the participation of owners of tourism facilities or their representatives plays an important role in their registration upon the place of stay. This procedure can be realized directly addressing to the Regional Department of the Service, to “ASAN Xidmet” centers operating in Baku and Sumgayit, as well as the SMS official website (, e-government portal ( and email ( There are no duties for registration of foreigners upon the place of stay.

It was noted that besides the conditions for the registration and legalization of foreigners, the legislation also contains administrative responsibilities for foreigners and accepting persons violating the rules. According to 577th Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan, there is a penalty from three to five hundred manats for not taking any measures on the registration and unregister of foreigners and stateless persons upon the place of stay.

The issues of facilitation of visa issuance procedures and registration processes were discussed at the meeting.

The questions were replied at the end of the meeting.

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