
Modern independent Azerbaijan is the greatest contribution of Heydar Aliyev for our people

There was held an event in the State Migration Service dedicated to 95th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

The participants of the event first visited Heydar Aliyev Museum in the State Migration Service, viewed the stands consisting of photos about the life and activity of the Great Leader and were acquainted with the books.

The leadership and employees of the State Migration Service and the chairman of the Committee of Milli Mejlis Eldar Ibrahimov took part in the event, organized in the assembly hall of the Service, due the 95th anniversary of the great personality Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the modern independent Republic of Azerbaijan.

Vusal Huseynov, head of the State Migration Service, expressed his satisfaction on his first meeting with the collective in larger composition at the event dedicated to the memory of the National leader. He spoke about Great Leader's unprecedented historical services before the people, as well as exceptional role on realization of the independence dream and performance of the national statehood of the nation.

He noted that history presented Heydar Aliyev phenomenon to Azerbaijani people like a guarantor of a happy future. Because, during the Soviet Union, Heydar Aliyev established the basements for the independence of Azerbaijan and began to build the independent of Azerbaijan since 1969, when he was first elected as a leader. Chief of the Service noted that the years leading up of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, as a political, economic and cultural upheaval, contributed to the awakening of the national consciousness of our people. Despite the fact that in this period our country was part of the empire, there was held a solid basis for the future political and state independence of Azerbaijan. At present, one of the definitions of a public opinion is that the return of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev to the political power by the insistence and demand of the people in 1993 rescued Azerbaijan from the danger of being removed from the world map as an independent state.

He noted that the stability and life-long reforms in the country, created by the political will, vision and great statehood experience of the Great Leader, transformed the independence of Azerbaijan into irreversible process and created a solid base for the current modernization and progress.

The chief of the service underlined that the Great Leader laid the foundations for Azerbaijan's integration into the world by building a secular, democratic, open society. Successful continuation of Heydar Aliyev's policy by President Ilham Aliyev over the past 15 years stipulates Azerbaijan to sign more spectacular achievements. Today, our country is transformed into an economic, political, humanitarian center and serves as a bridge between states and peoples and gives new contributions to universal processes.

The chairman of the Milli Mejlis Committee Eldar Ibrahimov, sharing his memories about the Great Leader, talked about Heydar Aliyev's characteristic features such as phenomenal personality and leader, his leadership qualities, and overall statehood. E.Ibrahimov noted that, because of the decisive steps of the National Leader, the social and political stability, legality, and the society that has escaped from the chaos and anarchy burst into the progressive development way responding the requirements of the new socio-economic formation. The signing of the "Contract of the Century" under the leadership of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in 1994 and the adoption of our Constitution in 1995 demonstrated the confidence of our country for present and future and highlighted the way of building a legal and democratic state.

It was stressed that National Leader Heydar Aliyev's achievements in politics and public administration, first of all, were based on the support of the people, the public confidence factor. While moving towards higher goals, the Great Leader was based not only on his inner beliefs, high intellect and bright intelligence, but also on public confidence and always felt the great support of the people. The National Leader had always been loyal to national, moral and ethical values ​​both in the family and in public administration and in the society, and had a true Azerbaijani perspective. Today, Heydar Aliyev is remembered as humane, tolerant, truthful, honest, noble and kind person.

The ceremony ended with the screening of the documentary film "Eternity", about the life and activity of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev.

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