
Perspectives of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the field of migration discussed

Chief of State Migration Service Vusal Huseynov met with Erkan Ozoral, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey to Azerbaijan at the administrative building of the Service.

Service chief talked about fruitful and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan-Turkey based on historical roots at the meeting held with the purpose of extending bilateral relations, as well as discussing mutual cooperation perspectives.

He stated that the relations between two countries were always example for other states. V.Huseynov expressed his assurance on further successful development and expansion of relations between countries in all fields, including migration, afterward.

Chief of the Service touched upon the significance of enhancing treaty base in order to regulate mutual relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the field of migration. He emphasized the importance of agreements between Governments in several fields, including cooperation on labor, labor migration, social protection and employment fields, in particular “Agreement between the Governments of Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey on mutual activity of labor force” signed within an official visit of the President Ilham Aliyev to Turkey on November, 2013.

Furthermore, the draft “Memorandum of Understanding between the Directorate General for Migration Management under Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Turkey and the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan on cooperation in migration sphere” which covers legalization of citizens in irregular situation and identification of their statuses was discussed at the meeting, as well.

Congratulating the Service chief on the occasion of his new appointment, Ambassador E.Ozoral expressed his gratitude for sincere reception. He underlined that he will employ all efforts to further strengthen the existing relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in the field of migration.

At the meeting comprehensive opinion exchange was conducted between parties on issues of interest in migration sphere and mutual cooperation.

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