
An event within the framework of awareness-raising issues was held in Bilasuvar

There was held awareness event in the secondary school number 4 in Bilasuvar city, with the participation of teachers and upper class pupils on the topic “Azerbaijan`s migration policy in the context of world migration processes” by State Migration Service (SMS). 

The activity directions of SMS, as well as issues related on the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons in Azerbaijan were discussed in the service area of Lenkaran Regional Migration Department. It was noted that each foreigner or stateless person in the case of staying in the territory of the country more than 10 days, has to be registered in SMS according to staying place within 10 days in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

The participants also got interested in the information about extension of temporary staying period of foreigners and stateless persons in the country, permission for temporary and permanent residence, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship, as well as determination of citizenship belonging and refugee status, work permits for carrying out paid labor activity and extending period of existing work permits.

It was informed that foreigners and stateless persons can apply for e-visa within 3 hours via “ASAN Visa” system.

The questions of participants were replied at the end of the meeting.

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