
The memory of ophthalmologist-scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was commemorated in State Migration Service

On April 28, there was held an event in State Migration Service (SMS) dedicated to the 95th anniversary of prominent ophthalmologist, doctor of medical sciences, academician Mrs. Zarifa Aliyeva.

First, the participants of the event were acquainted with the exhibition dedicated to the life and activity of Zarifa Aliyeva.

Elman Aliyev, deputy chief of the Service, III rank state migration service counselor opening the event organized in assembly hall of SMS spoke about rich lifeline of academician Zarifa Aliyeva, life and activities, exemplary for the generations and her valuable contributions to medicine. It was noticed that, Zarifa Aliyeva, having exceptional services in the development of Azerbaijan’s medicine, especially in the field of its less developed ophthalmology, has always given illuminance for people and eyes.

Firuza Huseynova, head of the Medical Institution of the Service, 1st rank migration service officer spoke about valuable contributions of Zarifa Aliyeva to the development of Azerbaijani healthcare. She noted that, great achievements gained by Zarifa Aliyeva as a scientist are individual stage in the history of Azerbaijan's medical science. Her scientific activity has been very rich and comprehensive. The talented scientist conducted multifaceted research on actual topics of ophthalmology and wrote valuable scientific research works. 200 scientific works, 14 monographs, 12 rationalization proposals of the prominent scientist still remain relevant today. The academician has gained a great reputation not only in the former Soviet Union, but also in the world giving invaluable contributions to the development of medicine science with her solid studies on actual problems of ophthalmology.

It was noted that, outstanding ophthalmologist-scientist Zarifa Aliyeva was the first female scientist awarded by Averbach Prize. Zarifa Aliyeva's scientific researches, pedagogical activity beside, complicated surgical operations and maintenance in growing professional scientific cadres are undeniable. Her scientific-pedagogical and public activity strongly impact on the growth of the new generation of doctors and the development of ophthalmology in Azerbaijan. Zarifa Aliyeva, as the first academician in ophthalmology in Azerbaijan, has also been active in public activity. She was a member of the Presidium of the Soviet Peace Protection Committee, Azerbaijani “Knowledge” Society and the All-Union Ophthalmologists Scientific Society.

It was stressed that Zarifa Aliyeva would forever live in the hearts of our people like a great scientist, as well as a faithful companion, active public figure, beautiful personality, noble person, wife of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, moreover kind and caring mother.

At the end of the event, a film "Unforgettable Person" was demionstrated about life and scientific activity of prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, produced by Azerbaijan Television.

A group of employees of the State Migration Service visited the Memorial Museum of academician Zarifa Aliyeva located in the National Center for Ophthalmology named after academician. The grave of prominent scientist was visited in the Alley of Honor and laid flowers to her monument and deeply revered her dear memories.

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