
Chief of State Migration Service met with the Ambassador of Mexico to Azerbaijan

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev spoke about the existing friendship and cooperation relations between two countries and the works done to further deepen and enhance these relations in the meeting with Ambassador of the United Mexican States to Azerbaijan Rodrigo Labardini.

The chief of the Service said that Azerbaijan highly appreciated the resolutions accepted by Mexican legislative body related to Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Khojaly genocide.

He noted that Azerbaijan was already recognized as a venue for prestigious international events, as well as sports games. Certainly, realization of such events in our country, as is included in the list of the safe countries, means about entrance of Azerbaijan`s increasing reputation to the new stage on the international arena.

Firudin Nabiyev gratefully mentioned the rapid socio-economic development of Azerbaijan in recent years, the implementation of international projects in energy transport and other spheres, raising the living standards of the population, and as a result, reelection of Mr. Ilham Aliyev in the presidential elections, which held on April 11, 2018 once again, deserving the trust of the people.

F.Nabiyev, noting about intensiveness of migration process in the result of achieved successes and favorable geographical position of our country, underlined the increase of return tendency of citizens leaving the country formerly and Azerbaijan`s turning a destination country from the country of origin interns of migration. Talking about the migration legislation of our country, the Chief of the Service emphasized the interest of other countries to the Migration Code, first adopted in our country. He also mentioned the deep cooperation of our country with international organizations, such as UN, UNHCR, IOM, EU, ICMPD and others in the field of migration. He noted that as a result of the taken measures, protection of the rights of migrants in our country has been appreciated by international organizations.

The Chief of the Service, touching on the development of tourism, talked about growth dynamics of arrivals to Azerbaijan as a result of application of “ASAN Visa” system since the beginning of 2017. He talked on effective combating measures against the use of our country as a transit for illegal travel to Europe and other countries, as well.

At the meeting continued with opinion exchange migration processes occurring in the world, F.Nabiyev spoke about the participation of the delegation representing the Republic of Azerbaijan in the preparatory meeting of Intergovernmental Conference on " Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration ", held in Puerto Vallarta city of Mexico, from December 4 to 6, 2017. The Chief of the Service expressing his believe that expansion of international cooperation on migration, enhancement of the governance in this area, as well as promotion of unified approach to migration management will contribute to rapid accomplishment of determined goals started that Azerbaijan is ready to share its experience in this direction.

The Ambassador Rodriguez Labardini should particular interest in the legislative base of Azerbaijan in the field of migration, responding the modern requirements. He underlined the importance of enlarging mutual relations in order to get acquainted with the existing migration management of Azerbaijan. The diplomat expressed his assurance on the significance of relations between two countries and further contribution of these relations. 

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