
Awareness raising event held on “Establishment history of State Migration Service, its development stage and activity direction”

The awareness raising event on “establishment history of State Migration Service, its development stage and activity direction” was held on the territory of Beylagan district which is included in the service area of Shirvan Regional Migration Department with the participation of foreigners and stateless persons, academia, the representatives of public, mass media and the local executive authorities, leaders of departments and institutions, employees of law enforcement, as well as of the District Police Divisions identity card and registration group.

At the meeting which was organized at the Heydar Aliyev Center, First deputy head of the District executive authority Telman Mastanov spoke about state building process and the importance of the establishment of State Migration Service as a component of this process.

Later authorized employee of the Shirvan regional migration department made a comprehensive speech. He noted that there is stability and peace in Azerbaijan. Security is ensured at a high level. Usually a migrant is looking for dignified life, guaranteed and comfortable work. Azerbaijan is an open country and sufficient foreign investment has been made in the economy of the country. Today, Azerbaijan has become a venue for the international events. The rights of the foreigners and stateless persons are highly protected in our country. It is an honorable case that no violation on national, ethnic and religious grounds has been registered towards migrants in our country.

Violation of the requirements of migration legislation by 3220 foreigners and stateless persons within the first 2 month of 2018 was noted at the meeting where the recent measures against illegal migration was also mentioned.

At the end, the questions were answered and the participants expressed their satisfaction for the organization of such event.

During the event, notifications were presented to 9 foreigners and stateless persons who live in the service area of Shirvan Regional Migration Department.

At the end of the event mobile service for citizens was organized.

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