
Legal awareness campaign held at Astara Pedagogical College

The State Migration Service (SMS) is successfully continuing its legal awareness raising campaigns. On the eve of the 11th anniversary of the establishment of the Service, a legal awareness raising event was held at Astara Pedagogical College.

At the meeting, detailed information was provided about the cases when permissions for temporary and permanent residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan are issued to foreigners and stateless persons, as well as the state duties. Speeches of the authorized employees of the Lankaran Regional Migration Department, who talked about the conditions created in our country for the foreigners and stateless persons, as well as the services provided by the SMS were welcomed by the participants of the meeting. It was brought into attention that meetings which were held in most regions and cities of the Republic, as well as at higher education institutions and “Open Doors Day” civil forums have a positive impact on the provision of the requirements of migration legislation.

It was noted that under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan's migration policy is based on the principles of respect for human rights and freedoms, the rule of law, equality and justice before the law, compliance of the migration legislation with the universally recognized norms of the international law, as well as the application of the innovative methods in the migration processes regulation and the ensuring the transparency.

At the end of the meeting questions interesting the participants were answered.

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