
Working discussions held at the meeting with the members of the Public Council under State Migration Service

The next meeting was held between the members of the Public Council under the State Migration Service (SMS) and the administration of the Service.

At the meeting, Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev shared his views on the work of the Public Council under SMS and the implemented activities. He touched upon the important role of the Public Council in the preparation and improvement of draft laws in the relevant fields, ensuring public control, improving the quality of the service, and the more effective organization of the work. It was mentioned that SMS is interested in increasing the effectiveness of the public control and all the conditions have been created for it. He said that the importance of the public participation for the state was pointed out many times in the speeches of the President Ilham Aliyev. Because, according to the Law on Public Participation, the establishment of public councils under the relevant structures is highly appreciated as a new stage in the process of democratization in our country, as well as the relations between the state and civil society.

Emphasizing the establishment of close cooperation with civil society institutions in the relevant field as one of the key activity principles of the Service F. Nabiyev stated that 7 prestigious NGO`s are represented in the Public Council under SMS and the awareness of the each of the member of the Council on the migration process as a specialized person contributes to the common work.

Chairman of the Public Council under the State Migration Service, Azar Allahveranov and members of the Council spoke about the importance of steps taken in recent years, for participation of the citizens in state management, ensuring transparency in the relations between public officials and citizens, as well as consideration of civil society institutions' opinions. They talked about the experience of successful collaboration of the Service with the civil society.

The meeting continued with discussion on the further development of mutual relations with civil society institutions and the presentation of proposals on other issues.

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