
Public awareness events on migration held in higher educational institutions

Public awareness events on migration are continued at higher educational institutions in order to increase awareness on migration legislation.

Meetings were held with foreign students studying at Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction and Azerbaijan Medical University.

Detailed information on the services rendered by State Migration Service – registration upon place of stay, issuance of permits for temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits and administrative liability envisaged by the Administrative Offences Code on foreigners and stateless persons – was provided at the events. 

  At the meetings authorized employees of the Service stated that services rendered through 11 e-services of State Migration Service, which has been integrated to “E-Government”, ensures convenience for applicants, as well as flexibility and transparency. Because, the purpose of the novelties applied in the sphere of migration is to raise satisfaction of the persons whom the services are rendered, as well as foreigners and stateless persons.

It was mentioned that today 8 regional departments of the State Migration Service operate at full capacity. It was emphasized that each foreigner or stateless person arriving in the country should legalize his/her stay or residence on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It was brought into the attention of the participants that progressive legislative base has been created which ensures legal arrival, stay, residence, work and education of foreigners in our republic. It was mentioned that according to the migration legislation of the country foreigners and stateless persons while staying in our republic can enjoy all the rights equally as the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, if the otherwise is not considered by the law and the international agreements that the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to.  

The provided information was met with interest, questions of the participants were replied and exchange of views was conducted at the both meetings.

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