
Chief of State Migration Service met with the Ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev met with Erkan Ozoral, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to our country.

Firudin Nabiyev stated that the ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey are based on brotherly relations formed between our nations and states throughout the history. Speaking about successful policy carried out by presidents Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan to strengthen and develop of these ties, Chief of the Service brought into attention that mutually benefied cooperation established between the Governments of Turkey and Azerbaijan in political, economic, cultural, humanitarian and other spheres, sets a sample.

At the meeting importance of "Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on mutual labour activity of the labour forces" signed within the framework of President Ilham Aliyev’s official visit to Turkey in November 2013, was emphasized.

Chief of the Service said “today Turkish citizens are engaged as a labor migrant in paid labor activities such as construction, oil-gas, new energy sector and processing industry, large production projects, accommodation and public catering, education, wholesale and retail trade, agriculture, tourism, car repair, their rights, in general rights of migrants are always protected at a high level in Azerbaijan. I am sure that Azerbaijan citizens are covered by the same care in the brotherly country.”

F.Nabiyev remembered that today our country is experiencing an increase in tourism sector and requirements of visas, issued to the tourists visiting our republic, are simplified.

Mentioning the recent measures implemented against illegal migration, Chief of the Service underlined that illegal migration is one of the factors which are directly affect security of the country. Therefore, observing the declared purposes of arrival, timely registration upon the place of stay and residence, staying in the country within the specified period by a foreigner and etc. are constantly under control.

At the meeting emphasis was attached to the role of “The Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on cooperation in the sphere of migration”, aimed at strengthening legal base for regulation of mutual relations in migration sphere, as well as legalization and determination of status of citizens in undefined state, in strengthening bilateral relations.

The Ambassador thanked Chief of State Migration Service for the meeting. The diplomat stated healthy and sustainable development of ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey. He underlined that he will employ all his efforts to strengthen bilateral cooperation with relevant institutes of his country in migration sphere.

At the meeting wide exchange of views on migration legislation, as well as other migration related issues of mutual interests, was conducted.

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