
Awareness raising events are continued

Shaki Regional Migration Department organized awareness raising events on migration legislation at Shaki branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and Zagatala branch of Azerbaijan State University of Economics according to Action Plan approved regarding the 11th anniversary of the establishment of State Migration Service (SMS).

At the meeting held with the participation of students, professors and teaching staff information was delivered on the activity directions of SMS implementing the competences of unified authority upon “one-stop-shop” principle in the field of regulation and management of migration processes in our country. Comprehensive talks were carried out related to measures taken by Service on registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay, extension of their temporary staying period, issuance of temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits and extending periods of existing ones, citizenship issues. It was brought into attention that migration management mechanism in the country was improved, legal residence of foreigners and stateless persons arriving to the Republic, as well as procedures on issuance of relevant permits and registration upon place of residence were facilitated, and consequently ensuring of transparency in this field was fully achieved over the past period.

Achievements gained during the last years in the field of fight against illegal migration were touched upon. It was noted that only during the January of current year 1635 decisions were made on violation of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan by foreigners and stateless persons as a result of measures and investigations conducted in Baku city, as well as in other cities and districts of the Republic. The legalization of stay and residence of foreigners arriving to our republic was emphasized as a requirement of the legislation.

At the end questions were responded.

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