
E-services on migration discussed at the public awareness event in Masalli

Electronic registration of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the rules for granting temporary and permanent residence permits on the territory of the country were discussed at the legal awareness event organized by the Lankaran Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service in the Art School of the ASAN Service Complex in Masalli city.

Employees of the Lankaran Regional Migration Department of the State Migration Service, speaking at the event, said that as in other fields, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev carried out fundamental measures both on the legislation and its implementation in order to improve the electronic governance mechanism in the field of migration, management and regulation of migration processes.

Employees of the Service talked about the electronic registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the rules for issuing permits for temporary and permanent residence in the country.

At the event information was provided on labor migration and its legal regulation in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the responsibilities envisaged by the Administrative Offences Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan for violation of the requirements of the legislation in the field of migration, measures taken for eradication of statelessness, as well.

At the end of the meeting questions interesting the participants were answered.

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