
Legal awareness raising event in migration sphere held in Goygol

In accordance with the Action Plan approved on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the establishment of State Migration Service (SMS), awareness raising event, organized by Ganja regional migration department in order to raise public awareness in the sphere of migration legislation, was held in Goygol district with the participation of foreigners and stateless persons, entrepreneurship subjects, relevant state authorities, education workers, representatives of local executive authorities and municipalities.

Reports on “Responsibilities envisaged by the legislation for prevention of illegal migration and rights and obligations of illegal migrants during the enforcement of the legislation” and “Services provided by State Migration Service for implementation of the rights and obligations of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan” were delivered at the event. Detailed information was given on administrative responsibilities envisaged by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Azerbaijan for violation of the requirements of the migration legislation.

General information was given on measures conducted by SMS during January and February of 2018 in the frame of fight against illegal migration. It was mentioned that since October 2017, 89 citizens of the Republic of India, in return of a large amount of money, were brought to Baku as tourists, in the guise of employment in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as they were placed here and stayed on the territory of Azerbaijan despite the expiration of the validity of the visas, and the collected materials were sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for legal assessment, after their illegal residence on the territory of Azerbaijan was revealed. According to the fact, criminal case was opened on relevant articles in Department for Investigation of Grave Crimes of Prosecutor General's Office.

It was stated that in accordance with Article 76.1 of the Migration Code the foreigners and stateless persons, during their stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan, should fulfill the same duties as the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, unless otherwise is envisaged by the international agreements that the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to. But implementation of rights and liberties of foreigners and stateless persons should not be contrary to the national interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan.  Foreigners and stateless persons should not violate requirements of laws and other legislative acts of Azerbaijan, should respect customs and traditions of our nation.

At the end questions interested participants of the event were answered.

On the same day mobile service was organized in Goygol city. 15 persons benefited from the mobile service.

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