
Meeting with the Ambassador of India to Azerbaijan held at State Migration Service

Satisfaction with high level of exist relations between the two countries was mentioned at the meeting, between Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev and the Ambassador of India to Azerbaijan Sanjay Rana, which was held in the atmosphere of mutual exchange of views.  

At the meeting importance of the measures conducted for facilitation of visa regime in recent times, efficiency of applied e-visa regime was mentioned, and it was stated that increase in the number of visitors is observed in the country after application of e-visa. Chief of the Service emphasized the achievements of Azerbaijan attained under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. He underlined that stability, tolerance and multiculturalism in our republic are key factors that attract foreigners to the country.

F.Nabiyev spoke about activity directions of SMS, which implements the competences of unified state body on “one-stop-shop” principle, capacity of Unified Migration Information System, regional migration departments, detention centers, measures on fight against illegal migration, measures conducted in terms of persons living in the country without documents.

Chief of the Service brought into attention concrete facts on rapid development of Azerbaijan, as well as considerable increase in the flow of foreigners to the country as a result of recent innovations in visa policy, increase of efforts of illegal migration, along with legal migration, detection of illegal migration channels from Asian countries, exposure and prosecution of groups organizing illegal migration.

F.Nabiyev spoke about involvement of Indian citizens in mentioned illegal migration channels, organization of their migration to Azerbaijan by deceiving in different ways under the name of providing high-paying jobs and then turning them into victims of illegal acts and exploitation.

At the meeting it was emphasized that as a result of conducted measures, persons involved in the mentioned acts were detected and detained, Indian citizens who became victims of persons who organized illegal migration channel were placed in detention center of SMS, high level conditions were created in the center, all necessary measures conducted for restoration and full assurance of their rights, clear and transparent conditions were established for observation of the existing situation by representatives of international organizations, as well as mass media.

The Ambassador mentioned his awareness on the conditions available for Indian citizens placed at the detention center of SMS and expressed his gratitude to Service chief for the care and attention paid for them at the detention center complying with international standards where the human rights and freedoms of the detainees are fully observed.

Global migrant crisis occurring in the world was also touched upon at the meeting. The importance of international cooperation in solution of this problem was underlined. Discussions were held on migration management, as well as possibilities for extending cooperation between the two countries towards combatting illegal migration.

At the end Ambassador Sanjay Rana, once again, thanked Service chief for the care and attention paid for Indian citizens placed at the detention center and noted that he will mobilize all his efforts for strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation.  

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