
Awareness raising event on “Consideration of citizenship issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan and rules of their solution” was held

Awareness raising event on “Consideration of citizenship issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan and rules of their solution” was held at Hamusham village secondary school of Astara district with participation of foreigners and stateless persons, local administrative representatives, residents of the neighboring villages, as well as teachers and pupils.

At first authorized representative of Lankaran Regional Migration Department gave brief information on activity directions, functions and attained achievements of SMS.

Then statement on “Consideration of citizenship issues of the Republic of Azerbaijan and rules of their solution” was presented. It was noted that the citizenship right is one of the most important human rights, defining the legal status of a person. The person can enjoy specified rights and freedoms fully, if he/she is a citizen of any state and the state guarantees rights of the person. It was stated that participation of State Migration Service in citizenship issues was ensured in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from March 6, 2008.

It was noted that President Ilham Aliyev show attention and care towards State Migration Service for the purpose of timely and worthy implementation of the tasks assigned to the Service in the field of elimination and prevention of statelessness.

At the meeting broad information was given on “Rules for establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with Decision №84 of Cabinet of Ministers dated from March 18, 2015. It was noted that according to this rule challenges in provision of identity documents faced by children, who have lost their parents and deprived from parental care, persons who have been imprisoned in penitentiary facilities and military personnel in military service were resolved.

It was emphasized that successful completion of large-scale works related to citizenship issues, which is the most important human right, is one of the priority task of State Migration Service, established 11 years ago.

The booklets on topic of the event, prepared by the Service, were presented to the participants of the event, questions interesting them were answered in accordance with legislation.

At the same day SMS organized mobile service in Astara.



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