
89 citizens of India detained during measures on fighting against illegal migration

On January 29-31 and February 1, 89 citizens of the Republic of India were detained during measures on fighting against illegal migration carried out in Sabunchu and Binagadi districts of Baku city.

During the investigation it was revealed that these foreigners arrived in the country with visas, 31 persons didn’t get registered upon place of stay, 19 persons violated declared purposes of arrivals in the Republic of Azerbaijan and 1 person didn’t live at the address of registration.

It turned out that mentioned foreigners were brought to the Republic of Azerbaijan through deception, in the guise of employment, by citizen of the Republic of India Mohammad Sakir born in 22.01.1965, which joined in a conspiracy with his compatriots Alimuddin Shaikh, SK Allarakha, Pathan Junedkhan Mu­kimkhan and citizen of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Sajid Fraz.

It was revealed that one of the organizers Mohammad Sakir came to the Republic of Azerbaijan on 14.01.2018 for the last time with purpose of business visit and was registered upon place of stay (receiving party: Gadirov Rushdu Gurbanali) at address: Baku city, Nasimi district, Tbilisi prospect, 66 house, 3 apartment. It became known that other organizers- P.J.Mu­kimkhan, born in 26.11.1994, came to the country for the last time on 25.11.2017, was student of preliminary courses of Azerbaijan Technical University and got permission card for temporary residence which is valid from 27.12.2017 till 30.10.2018 and Sajid Fraz, born in 05.03.1985, got permission card for temporary residence which is valid till 30.04.2018, on basis of marriage with citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

As a result of conducted measures organizers of negative channel Mohammad Sakir, Pathan Junedkhan Mu­kimkhan, Alimuddin Shaikh were detained. As well as the member of the other group SK Allarakha, known as “Munna”, was detained on 30.04.2018 at Heydar Aliyev International Airport during his attempt to leave the territory of the country to avoid liability and was placed to Detention Center for Illegal Migrants.

Mentioned members of organized group got in the amount of 400-500 US dollars from each of the citizens of India, which were brought to the territory of the country in the guise of getting permission for temporary residence on basis of work and education and promised to legalize them in the Republic of Azerbaijan. They concluded fake contracts with some of the foreigners they have brought to the Republic of Azerbaijan, shared photos of employment on oil wells, paid 600 manats in the name of salary to those foreigners and made money by advertising it for other Indian citizens. The organizers took money from their compatriots fraudulently and created conditions for turning them into illegal migrants on the territory of the country.

In addition, citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Humbatov Vatan Mammadali, born in 02.04.1963, with registration at address: Baku city, Khatai district, street Nakhimov, 10/3B house and his mother-in-law citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Nagiyeva Rafiga Garaoglan, born in 25.07.1953, with registration at address: Baku city, prospect Gara Garayev, 116 house, 99 apartment, organized residential area for some of those foreigners at address: Baku city, Ramana town.

At the same time citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Asgarova Vafa Telman, born in 26.07.1980, with registration at address: Baku city, Sabunchu district, Balakhany settlement, street Musavi, 22 house, gave residential area to the 8 foreigners at the address in Balakhany district.

Illegal acts of the above mentioned foreigners were confirmed, the facts were proved and existing illegal migration channel was exposed.

State Migration Service continues measures in the frame of combating illegal migration. 

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