
Director General of the Repatriation and Departure Service of the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is on a visit in our country

The delegation led by Director General of the Repatriation and Departure Service of the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jannita Robberse, came to the Alley of Honor on January 31 and commemorated with respect the memory of our Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, laid flowers on his grave.

Memory of renowned ophthalmologist, scientist, academician Ms. Zarifa Aliyeva was also commemorated, fresh flowers were put on her grave.

Later guests came to the Alley of Martyrs to commemorate with respect the memory of the heroes of Motherland, who died in the struggle for freedom and sovereignty of our country, and laid fresh carnations on their graves.

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor, Firudin Nabiyev met with Director General of Repatriation and Departure Service of the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jannita Robberse, who is on a visit in our republic.

At the meeting the history of diplomatic relations between our countries, links established in various areas, as well as perspectives of cooperation in migration sphere were widely discussed.

F.Nabiyev gave broad information to the guests on the activity directions of State Migration Service which exercises the competence of responsible state authority in the field of migration through “one-stop-shop” principle in our country. Chief of the Service noted, as commendable case, that the protection of the rights of migrants in our country is highly appreciated by international organizations and that the management of migration in Azerbaijan is shown an example for other states.

The importance of mutual visits was highlighted at the event, where efficient results of cooperation with the Repatriation and Departure Service of the Kingdom of the Netherlands since the establishment of State Migration Service, which attaches great importance to the study of practical and innovative experience in the field of migration was noted. Chief of the Service recalled with pleasure his visits to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, especially the latest one which was held in February of the last year. Furthermore visit of identification mission of experts from SMS to the Netherlands on 20-25 January of the current year was assessed as one of the examples of existing cooperation. In addition the necessity of learning experience of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on fight against illegal migration, return and detection of fake documents was stated. Cooperation with the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the frame of the  Twinning project on “Support to the professional development of the staff of State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its subordinated agencies, and adjustment of legislation on Migration to the EU standards" implemented in 2013-2015 and beneficiary of which was SMS, was recalled with pleasure.

At the meeting which was continued with working discussions, Chief of the Service gave information on difficulties faced during implementation of “Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union on the Readmission of persons residing without authorization”, such as, implementation readmission without notification of return and not informing the opposite side about the cancellation of the planned readmission. Opinion exchange was conducted on measures carried out to agree the draft of the Protocol on the “Implementation of the Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and States of the Benelux (the Kingdom of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands)” in order to eliminate these problems in future.

Consolidation of joint cooperation via “Support to the Implementation of Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE)” project which is implemented within the framework of “Joint Declaration on a Mobility Partnership between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union and its Participating States” signed in Brussels on December 5, 2013, particularly perspectives of implementing projects on document security, improvement of asylum system and reintegration support were discussed at the meeting.

Service chief noted that tolerance is a way of life in Azerbaijan and our country is one of the multiculturalism centers of the world, and added that members of all ethnic groups and religions live in peace and harmony in Azerbaijan. F.Nabiyev informed that “one million people live as refugees and IDPs for more than 25 years in our republic as a result of the aggression of Armenia which is mono ethnic state. Azerbaijani Government takes fundamental measures under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev in order to solve their social problems. They were placed in up to 100 newly established settlements with modern infrastructure and this policy is successfully continued today. But the conflict has not been resolved so far as a result of Armenia’s non-constructive position”.

At the meeting in which multilateral cooperation perspectives were touched upon in terms of consolidation of efforts of the international community in management of refugee and migrant flows occurring in the world Service chief emphasized that although, Azerbaijan faced such serious challenges at the beginning of its independence, special care and attention was always attached to migrants in our country. Not a single infringement of law based on national, ethnic and religious motives has been recorded in respect to migrants in our republic so far.

Drawing attention to the high level provision of stability in Azerbaijan F.Nabiyev stated that the organization of grandiose international events, symposiums, conferences, forums, as well as sport competitions in our republic which is included to the list of safe countries is the indicator of Azerbaijan’s influence in international arena.

Chief of the Service mentioned that today rise in tourism sector is observed in our rapidly developing country with rich nature, as well. Thus, tourists visiting Azerbaijan can obtain tourist visa within 3 hours via “ASAN Visa” system. He added that tourists visiting Azerbaijan witness high level of hospitality.  

Expressing her gratitude for sincere reception Director General of Repatriation and Departure Service of the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Ms.Jannita Robberse noted that this is her first visit to Azerbaijan and she was impressed with spectacular beauty of Baku. She stated that “I am glad to witness rapid development in Baku which combines modernity with antiquity”. The guest highly appreciated the development of relations between two entities, which have established high level cooperation ties for several years, as well as meeting and discussions with her Azerbaijani counterpart in terms of exchange of best practices.

At the meeting opinion exchange was conducted on other issues of mutual interest. 

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