
22 illegal migrants detained

As a result of measures against illegal migration conducted by State Migration Service during the last week 22 foreigners in total were detained, including 10 citizens of the Republic of Turkey, 7 citizens of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 4 citizens of the Republic of India and 1 citizen of Turkmenistan.

During the investigation it was revealed that 9 citizens of the Republic of Turkey detained by State Migration Service for illegal residence in the country were brought to Azerbaijan by the person who lives in Turkey, Kenan Durmus, to send them to Europe in exchange for large amount of money.

Furthermore Kenan Durmus promised to entrepreneur residing in Azerbaijan, Suleyman Kayikcioglu, working together in construction sector. He organized issuance of permits for work and temporary residence to the above mentioned 9 foreigners through “INSMARK” company owned by Suleyman Kayikcioglu, after that he tried to get visas to European countries for these persons by different ways. However, State Migration Service revealed that foreigners do not actually work in the company "INSMARK", it was determined that they got permits for work and temporary residence by giving false information. As a result, permission cards given to foreigners were annulled.

Foreigners, whose relevant permissions for residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan were annulled, believing to Kenan Durmush that they will be sent to Europe, evaded departure from Azerbaijan by hiding at various addresses. But as a result of conducted measures those foreigners were detained.

It was determined that other detained foreigners- 1 citizen of the Republic of Turkey, 4 citizens of the Republic of India and 7 citizens of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1 citizen of Turkmenistan abused rules of stay and residence on the territory of the country.

Illegal acts of the above mentioned foreigners were confirmed and the facts were proved.

State Migration Service continues measures in the frame of combating illegal migration. 

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