
An event on rules of granting temporary and permanent residence permits to foreigners and stateless persons held in Aghsu

Public awareness event was held on “Rules of granting temporary and permanent residence permits to foreigners and stateless persons arriving in the Republic of Azerbaijan” in Children and Youth Art Center of Aghsu city with participation of responsible employees  of city executive authorities, local administrative representatives, members of municipalities, law-enforcement officials, representatives of education and representatives of the public, as well as foreigners and stateless persons in order to increase legal awareness in migration field.

First deputy head of Aghsu region Executive Power, Rasim Novruzov gave information on the purpose of the event. Then representatives of Aghsu Regional Migration Department made speeches. After giving general information on activity directions of State Migration Service, rules of granting temporary and permanent residence permits to foreigners and stateless persons were broadly discussed. Participants were provided detailed and broad information on the subject, using video presentations prepared by State Migration Service.  Explanations on grounds for granting permissions and required documents were met by participants with interest.

It was stated that, migration policy pursued in Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, is based on the principles of respect to human and citizen rights and freedoms, rule of law, equality before the law and justice, ensuring compliance of the laws and regulations in the sphere of migration with generally accepted international law norms, application of innovative methods in regulation of migration processes and ensuring transparency.

It was noted that stability and development of our country, as well as wonderful nature of our republic, also policy carried out on migration issues made Azerbaijan attractive for foreigners. Therefore many tourists choose Azerbaijan for recreation. Development of tourism has been determined as priority sphere in our country and e-visa is issued within 3 hours to the persons who want to obtain a visa through the "ASAN visa" system in Azerbaijan. Employees of migration authorities also try to resolve issues in migration sphere of foreigners arriving in our country promptly.

It was underlined that migration flows always create concerns for two factors in the world: first, national security, secondly protection of labor market. Every state carries out serious fight against illegal migration to ensure interests of national security, as well as to protect the domestic labor market. SMS attained a number of achievements in this area in the past.

Booklets on topic of the event prepared by the Service were presented to the participants of the event, questions interesting them were answered in the frame of the legislation.

At the end of the event mobile service was conducted. The lists of required documents were given to 5 persons on granting permission for temporary residence and to 1 person for granting permanent residence, as well as to 2 persons on establishment of citizenship. Furthermore, a reference on establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan was given to 1 person. 

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