
State Migration Service exposed and neutralized persons who organized illegal channels of migration

14 citizens of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and 1 citizen of the Republic of India were detained during measures against illegal migration carried out by State Migration Service (SMS).

During the investigation it was revealed that citizen of India Nema Devi Haibam who was detained by SMS for illegal residence in the country, organized channel of illegal migration mainly for citizens of Eastern countries in the direction of Europe, Ukraine, Russian Federation and Turkey by using territory of Azerbaijan as transit.

Another person - Pakistani citizen Syyed Mohammed Farrukh Razi, who is known as "Shah", mediated foreigners interested in going to Europe, thus created conditions for turning them into victims of N.D.Haibam.

N.D.Haibam for a certain amount of money acquired false Schengen visas for Pakistani citizens Nadeem Muhammad and Shahzad Adnan to go to Europe with the help and participation of persons living in Pakistan. However, the attempts of these Pakistani citizens on January 12 of this year to leave the territory of Azerbaijan in the direction of Italy failed. Thus, N.D.Haibam didn’t keep her word and didn’t give them "visas".

Furthemore N.D.Haibam came to an agreement directly with 6 foreigners, turned each of them into illegal migrant by deception. In addition during the investigation it was found out that N.D. Haibam established links with persons who organized illegal migration of foreigners to America and other countries on the international level.

Thus, convincing foreigners Nema Devi Haibam and Syyed Muhammed Farrukh Razi, assumed huge amounts of their money and created ground for illegal migration. The illegal acts of these foreigners have been fully proved, facts were confirmed and persons who organized illegal channels of migration were exposed and neutralized.


 State Migration Service continues measures in the frame of combating illegal migration. 

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