
20 January tragedy is a page of honor and heroism in our history

This idea was announced at the event on “20 January is the day of solidarity, pride and honor of the people of Azerbaijan” in State Migration Service.

Speaking at the opening ceremony the first deputy chief of State Migration Service, III rank state migration service counselor Vali Nagiyev noted that aggression carried out against Azerbaijani people 28 years ago on the night of 19 to 20 January 1990 by the Soviet Army will be remembered as one of the worst crimes against humanity. Hundreds of innocent people were killed and wounded as a result of torture against civilians standing for national freedom and territorial integrity, once again demonstrated criminal nature of totalitarian Soviet regime to the whole world on the eve of its collapse.

Then an extensive report was made by deputy of Milli Majlis, director of the Institute for Political Studies of State Public Management Academy under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, doctor of political sciences, professor Elman Nasirov at the event. He noted that pages_old of heroism and tragedy replaced each other in rich and honorable millennial history of Azerbaijani nation, and passed from generation to generation by genes and bloody memory. 20 January is a unique page of our history being an example of heroism and tragedy at the same time.

E.Nasirov underlined that the way to 20 January tragedy was mainly conditioned by 2 factors: claims of Armenia against Azerbaijan and pro-Armenian policy of USSR leadership; irresolute and anti-national policy of Azerbaijani leadership, provocative steps of opposition represented by Azerbaijani Popular Front Party.

Speaking about brutality of troops moved in Baku, deputy talked about emotionless attitude of international community, specifically USA, towards the 20 January tragedy, committed by the leadership of the USSR.

He informed that issue of political and legal value of the tragedy of 20 January at the state level was solved by national leader Heydar Aliyev. Coming to the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Moscow on 21 January- the day following the tragedy, Heydar Aliyev stated that he is together with nation, gave political value to the 20 January tragedy, showed that it was contrary to the law, democracy, and humanity, as well as it was a political blunder made by Center and leaders of the republics of that time.

At the event it was emphasized that the document giving political-legal value for the first time to 20 January tragedy was adopted in Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on November 21, 1990 with the contribution of Heydar Aliyev who returned to his motherland from Moscow in July of the same year. This decision which was adopted in Nakhchivan’s Supreme Majlis and gave the first political-legal value to 20 January tragedy, as well as embodied overall opinion of Azerbaijani nation fell into history as a solid reflection of Heydar Aliyev. The document claimed Republic’s leadership to give political-legal value to 20 January tragedy at the level of republic. Even after the independence of our country, until 1993 no one from those who was in power could find courage to reveal veritable truth regarding the tragedy. Only after return of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev to political power in the country the main essence of 20 January events was explained and political-legal value was given to these incidents in the assembly of Milli Majlis.

At the event it was expressed with confidence that sooner or later, criminals whose hands were drenched with blood of Azerbaijani nation will be decently punished. The development of Azerbaijan in all directions, consolidation of its international position, becoming reliable partner in the world, most importantly political stability in the country and adamantine unity demonstrated by our nation around President Ilham Aliyev will ensure fair resolution of both Armenian-Azerbaijan and Nagorno Karabakh conflict, as well as international political-legal value of 20 January tragedy which is the direct result of this problem.

At the end event participants watched the documentary film “Blue mother”.

It should be noted that the photo and book exhibition dedicated to 20 January incidents was demonstrated, as well as broadcasting of video materials about tragedy on the monitors was ensured at the reception hall of SMS. 

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