
A meeting dedicated to the results of 2017 was held at State Migration Service

A meeting dedicated to the results of 2017 was held at the State Migration Service with the participation of heads of structural units and subordinating bodies of the Service.

Chief of the State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev delivered reporting speech at the meeting.

He stated that our country has attained several achievements in 2017. One of the most significant events of the year is that Azerbaijan was ranked 35th in the global competitiveness index of the economy in the recent report of the Davos Economic Forum. Azerbaijan is the first among CIS countries on this indicator.

Another remarkable event is the recent signing of a new mega-oil contract with the consortium of leading international energy companies. At the same time, under the leadership of Prezident Ilham Aliyev, serious works are done to turn Azerbaijan into an important regional transportation center. Particularly notable was the opening of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, which is a historically and strategically important project.

Also our country hosted a number of prestigious international events over the past period. As a result of the great attention and organizational skills of President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, Azerbaijan demonstrated a large-scale, grandiose activity.

At a time when Islamophobia trends are aggravated in the world, the announcement of 2017 as the “Year of Islamic Solidarity” in Azerbaijan by the Order of President Ilham Aliyev and the hosting of the IV Islamic Solidarity Games in May of this year is a clear expression of Azerbaijan's unique mission in the world. Of course, the Service spared no effort to fulfill its responsibilities with dignity in this direction.

In the reporting year at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gave important messages to the international community from the highest rostrum of this international organization. Head of our state gave information to world countries about the successful reforms carried out in Azerbaijan, revealed again the criminal acts of the criminal leadership of Armenia.

Then Chief of the Service took a look at the migration processes in the contemporary world in the context of Azerbaijan's reality. He informed that today, at the time when migration issues are actual across the world, the Service, which carries out state control over migration processes in our country, expanded international relations in 2017, also bilateral and multilateral cooperation was developed.

The readmission agreement with Switzerland came into force this year, also readmission agreement with Montenegro was signed and approved. Joint work is carried out by the Service together with relevant state authorities on socio-economical reintegration of the citizens readmitted to Azerbaijan in accordance with signed readmission agreements.

Service mentioned that the Cooperation Agreement on pilot project on assistance for the voluntary return of migrants from Azerbaijan signed in 2016 was approved and its implementation has started.

F.Nabiyev stated that one of the attained achievements is that State Migration Service is at the forefront according to the results of the assessment of public services on criteria of "ASAN service index".

At the same time development of tourism has been determined as priority sphere in our country and e-visa is issued within 3 hours to the persons who want to obtain a visa through the "ASAN visa" system in Azerbaijan. Chief of the Service mentioned that of course, migration authorities also try to resolve issues promptly on migration sphere of foreigners arriving in our country.

Thus, during the reporting period 1.432.700 foreigners entered to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2.570.014 cases and in 2.579.004 cases, 1.439.023 foreigners left the country. 720.024 persons were registered upon place of stay from the foreigners who entered to the country. 88.743 applications were received by State Migration Service on obtaining permits to stay and reside within the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, obtaining work permits to carry out paid labor activity, determination of refugee status, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan and establishment of citizenship. 7.980 work permits in order to carry out paid labor activity, 537 decisions on extension of temporary staying period, 39.940 temporary residence permits, 2.983 permanent residence permits were granted to foreigners. Relevant decisions were made on 18.540 foreigners and stateless persons, who violated requirements of migration legislation. 102.629 calls were received by the Call Center of the Service. Service chief noted that measures taken in this field should be kept under full control taking into consideration the special importance of the abovementioned works in terms of ensuring the security of our country.

F.Nabiyev especially emphasized that during the reporting year several institutional and organizational measures were taken, as well as significant works were done towards adopting the migration policy to the requirements of modern period by State Migration Service which is surrounded with care and attention of President Ilham Aliyev. The 10th anniversary of the establishment of State Migration Service was celebrated on March 19 of the current year. It was brought into attention that as an example of care of the country’s leadership employees of the Service were awarded with high special ranks, orders, medals, and honorary titles by Commander-in-chief of Armed Forces, President Ilham Aliyev during the reporting year. Every employee of the migration body tried to justify this confidence in response to high care and attention of the head of State.

Chief of the Service F.Nabiyev expressed his assurance that State Migration Service is determined to contribute to the economic development of the country and to implement the duties and responsibilities such as protecting state security and domestic labor market with higher proficiency in 2018 as well.

Relevant decisions were made regarding the issues discussed at the meeting.     

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