
108th Session of the Council of International Organization for Migration is held

108th Session of the Council of International Organization for Migration was launched at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, on November 28. According to the agenda the organizational matters were reviewed at the opening of the session which will continue until December 1. After the election of officers, the candidacy of the Republic of Cuba and Cook Islands which applied for the membership to the organization was voted and they were unanimously elected as the members of the Organization. Later on applications for representation as observer were reviewed. Participation of the State of Kuwait, some international, as well as non-governmental organizations in IOM Session in the capacity of observer was approved by voting.

Director General of IOM William Lacy Swing delivered comprehensive report at the Session. Giving detailed information about the establishment and activity of the organization the Director General stated that the topics covering various aspects of global migration processes will be discussed within the 108th session of IOM Council.

Later on W.L.Swing brought to the attention of the session participants statistics reflecting current situation of migration processes in the world.

Miroslav Lajčák, President of the United Nations General Assembly and Louise Arbour, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration delivered speeches on global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration. The speakers stated further development of migration policies and mechanisms, current situation and future perspectives of the activity of the organization.

High level panels on “Collaboration through innovative partnerships on promoting migrant integration and social cohesion”, “World Migration Report 2018: making sense of migration in an increasingly interconnected world” and “Opportunities to address migration and climate change in the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration” are planned to be held within the session.

Firudin Nabiyev, chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor and Vaqif Sadiqov, permanent representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva are attending at the session. 

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