
Cooperation in the migration field between Azerbaijan and Germany was discussed in Berlin

High level of friendly and partnership relation between the two countries was mentioned during the meetings of the delegation headed by chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev with Ms. Emily Haber, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Federal Republic of Germany, as well as with Mr. Norbert Seitz, head of Migration Directorate of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The sides stressed the demand for extending cooperation in the migration field by the existing level of cooperation in the areas such as promotion of investments, taxes, finance, customs, justice, specialist training, and in scientific, technical, environmental and cultural fields.

At the meeting special interest is attached to the broad information provided by Service chief on recent reforms made towards improvement and modernization of public management in our country, launch of “ASAN Service” centers into operation for ensuring citizen satisfaction and delivery of a number of services at those centers by SMS, international events hosted by Azerbaijan, creation of new transport corridors. It was noted that all these measures, as well as facilitation of visa system, i.e. possibility to obtain tourism visa within 3 hours, enhanced Azerbaijan’s opportunities for tourism, and current large-scale tourist flows to the country was highlighted with facts. Application of “one-stop-shop” principle in migration management for several years was appraised as a great contribution to the provision of foreigners and stateless persons’ convenience.

Service chief stressed improvement of legislative base related to regulation of migration issues and protection of migrant rights, and especially the importance of Migration Code which is drafted through learning international experience and came into force since August 1, 2013. He stated that migrants can voluntarily apply to Training Center of State Migration Service to learn the language, history and culture of Azerbaijan, and the legislation on their rights and duties. The Service organizes training courses free of charge and the works done is welcomed with a sense of satisfaction by foreigners.

F.Nabiyev stated that as a result of measures taken by the Service the number of illegal migrants in the country has decreased to minimum. Monitoring of foreigners and stateless persons’ entry to and exit from the country was conducted for the purpose of fights against illegal migration. In order to prevent foreigners who entered the country legally, to become illegal migrants, their residence is legalized, as well as regular awareness raising events are organized for the purpose of informing about migration legislation.

Service chief emphasized that Azerbaijan acceded to international legal documents in the area of human rights and as a result of works done in this direction protection of human rights, including migrant rights is highly appreciated by the international organizations. In spite of high level protection of human rights in Azerbaijan, our country has faced migration problem since the first years of its independence, i.e. the beginning of 90s of the last century, more than one million people became refugees and internally displaced persons, and all their rights are violated by Armenia as a result of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Even though the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights declared its decision on “Chiragov and Others v. Armenia” case on June 16, 2015, the occupying country ignores everything. Service chief regretfully stated failure in the solution of the conflict on the basis of international law and principles and in the restoration of those people’s rights violated by Armenia. He gave information about the condition created for refugees and IDPs thank to the direct care by Azerbaijani President. However, the aggressor does not allow ensuring their safe and dignified return to their homes.

He mentioned that Azerbaijani Government closely cooperates with Azerbaijan Offices of the UNHCR related with refugee and asylum issues, and IOM related with protection of migrant rights.

Assurance was expressed on the perspectives of cooperation with Federal Republic of Germany in migration related issues covering both legal and illegal migration. However, some violations, such as submission of applications for readmission without request, transfer without notification, application of accelerated readmission in error, separate transfer of family members, etc. were identified during readmission of Azerbaijani citizen to our country from Germany after the EU-Azerbaijan readmission agreement which came into force in 2014. It was noted that these issues have been brought to the attention of the opposite side during meetings of Joint Readmission Committee held in Brussels in 2016 and in Baku in 2017, as well as by the Azerbaijani delegation through the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).

Later on the Azerbaijani delegation met with Mr. Andreas Peschke, Director for Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia of Federal Foreign Office of Federal Republic of Germany.

During the meeting, in which bilateral cooperation between the two countries was discussed it was regretfully mentioned that there have been more than 65 million people who live as refugees and IDPs in the world and this number increased by two million with the people displaced as a result of conflicts occurred in the world within 2017. Thus, alongside with conflicts and armed aggressions in the countries like Myanmar, Syria, Iraq or in Sudan, natural disasters also affect increasing the number of refugees. Besides the risk of extremism and terrorism in the world, xenophobic approaches worsen the difficult conditions of refugees, as well. Failing to provide Rohingya Muslim community with right to citizenship since decades by Myanmar Government was mentioned as an example to these cases. It was noted by Firudin Nabiyev, chief of State Migration Service that “in this context, we would like express our deep concern regarding Islamophobic attitudes in migrant receiving countries and attempts to the identification of Islam with violence and terrorism”.

Transition of Azerbaijan from country of origin into a transit and destination country from migration point of view is added by Firudin Nabiyev. Service chief highlighted signing of bilateral and multilateral agreements, including readmission agreements with a number of countries for the purpose of providing protection of migrants’ rights, and noted that our country is generally interested in expansion of cooperation in the migration field on bilateral and multilateral basis.

At the meeting assurance was expressed that coming to an agreement and signing Implementing Protocol with Germany within the “Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union on the Readmission of persons residing without authorization” will be a transition stage of our cooperation in migration area and will assist to cooperate more closely.

The other issues interested the sides were discussed at the end of meetings. 

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