
The delegation of State Migration Service is on a visit to Germany

Within the visit, the delegation headed by chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev met with Torsten Boehling, head of Foreigners Authority in Bielefeld (Immigration Office).

The meeting highlighted regulation of migration processes in the world and protection of migrants’ rights as one of today’s pressing problems. Firudin Nabiyev gave general information about activity directions of State Migration Service, its working principles, regional migration departments, Unified Migration Information System, detention centers for illegal migrants. He noted that protection of migrant rights is a priority in Azerbaijan. It is noteworthy that protection of migrant rights in Azerbaijan is highly appreciated by international organizations and migration management mechanism is set as an example.

Members of all ethnic groups and religions live in peace and tranquility in Azerbaijan which is one of the multicultural centers of the world. Service chief, mentioning no violation of rights in relation to migrants on national, ethnic and religious grounds has been recorded so far, stressed that Azerbaijan is included in the list of secure countries and became a place organizing prestigious international conferences, symposiums, as well as sport events.

Presenting the concrete facts on the rise observed in the tourism sector of our country, F.Nabiyev stated that the visa requirements for tourists visiting Azerbaijan are fairly simplified. As a result of application of “ASAN Visa” system since the beginning of 2017, it is possible to obtain tourism visa in 3 days, even within 3 hours.

It was mentioned at the meeting that recently measures have been taken towards humanist and regular migration in the country. The importance of signing of “Cooperation Agreement on Pilot Project on Assistance for the Voluntary Return of Migrants from Azerbaijan” with IOM in 2016 and ongoing works on learning international, including European experience in voluntary return was emphasized.

Later on F.Nabiyev mentioned that our country has acceded to international documents related to asylum issues since 1992. Determination of Refugee (asylum seeker) Status Division functioned within State Migration Service as a special structural unit and currently it has empowered as a department. National legislation on refugee issues is harmonized with international documents. SMS has broad asylum-related cooperation ties within EU TAIEX instrument, “The Asylum Systems Quality Initiative in Eastern Europe and South Caucasus” Project, “Consolidation of Migration and Border Management Capacities in Azerbaijan” Project and “Support to the Implementation of the Mobility Partnership with Azerbaijan (MOBILAZE)” Project, as well as in the framework of Prague Process, Almaty Process and Budapest Process.

Service chief informed that Armenia occupied 20 per cent of our country and one of every 9 person of Azerbaijani population lives as refugee or IDP for more than 25 years. This is the highest figure for the number of refugees or internally displaced persons in the world. The Azerbaijani Government spent 6 billion dollar worth of resources to solve the social problems of refugees and IDPs, around a hundred settlements have been built and their housing condition is improved.

Information was given that recently readmission agreements have been signed with a number of countries to ensure protection of rights of Azerbaijani citizens residing in other countries without authorization. Readmission of Azerbaijani citizens from Germany to our country started with the EU-Azerbaijan readmission agreement which came into force in 2014. Alongside with these, the deficiencies and violations made by the EU side, as well as Germany during the readmission process were noted. The opposite side is informed about transfer without notification, immediate removal, violation of family reunification, i.e. separate transfer of members of the same family. It was mentioned that the Service increased its efforts for reintegration of readmitted persons to the society in Azerbaijan. Taking into account the workload Readmission Issues Department is established within SMS in 2014. Moreover, Working Group consisting of representatives of central executive bodies is formed to effectively solve problems concerning readmitted persons. As well as, the Service regularly cooperates with IOM and ICMPD on this issue.

At the meeting assurance was expressed that new opportunities in the management of migration processes in both countries will be created through improving interagency cooperation and organizing frequent meetings. At the end opinion exchange was conducted on the other issues interesting the sides.

Furthermore, the delegation visited the Reception Center in which asylum seekers residing in Bielefeld is placed until the decision is made on their application, as well as Center for the Support of the Return which operates in Berlin and the main objective is to support the institutions involved in return and readmission. The delegation got acquainted with functional responsibilities of both centers.

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