
Rights of foreign children in Azerbaijan are protected at a high level

This idea was stressed at the event related with November 20 “International child rights day” in the frame of “Child rights month” which was announced between October 20 – November 20 and traditionally held for several years at State Migration Service with the participation of children growing up in families who have been granted refugee status as well as their parents. It was noted that this year is also the 25th anniversary of ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child by our country, which was adopted on November 20, 1989.

At the event organized by the Service at  Detention Center for Illegal Migrants in Baku the importance of “National Program for Action to raise effectiveness of the protection of human rights and freedoms in the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved by December 27, 2014 dated Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev was stated.  Progressiveness of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Rights of Child which was adopted in 1999 and envisages the provisions of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was discussed. All of these were appreciated as a reflection of importance given by Azerbaijani state to the issue of child rights.  It was emphasized that today Azerbaijan has become a place of social welfare where the idea of legal state was realized and intellectual environment was established with genuine verification of all attributes of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev’s statehood concept under the leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev.

Successful implementation of numerous children related projects not only in our republic, but also abroad owing to the tireless work of the First Vice President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva was stated.

At the meeting, exchange of views took place on adaptation of foreign children to the local environment, their education and social status.

The children were given presents at the event which was continued around a holiday table arranged in the dining hall of the Center.

Fatima Hassani on behalf of the children who did participate the event and parents expressed gratitude to Azerbaijani state for this attention and for organizing such events which serve to strengthen activities ensuring safety and joy of children.

Furthermore, explanatory talks on child rights were also conducted at the “Open Door Day” event organized by State Migration Service in Heydar Aliyev Center in Sumgait and at the legal awareness-raising event organized at the administrative building of Goychay regional branch of the State Examination Center with participation of heads and coordinators of education departments, methodologists, schools directors, foregniers and stateless persons from  Goychay, Aghsu, Kurdamir, Gobustan, Shamakhi, Ismayilli  Ujar, Aghdash and Zardab districts, as well as applicants who were informed by the announcement on the web-page of the Service.

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