
Oath ceremony held at State Migration Service with persons who were adopted or restored the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan

301 persons were adopted and restored the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the Orders signed by President Ilham Aliyev.

At the event organized on this occasion the successes achieved in Azerbaijan which has turned into a leading state of the region, in accordance with development strategy founded by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, was mentioned. Information was given about the contribution made to world’s political, economic and cultural environment by our republic which is perceived as a model of tolerance, where stability is highly provided and multicultural values are leading. It was stated that foreign interest to our country is increased by the factors like political stability, existing security environment in our country, works done in sphere of protection of migrants’ rights and liberties, as well as geopolitical location and large extent of transit possibilities of our country, residence of different people and nations, representatives of separate religions and languages together in peace, and continuation of development speed of our republic due to President Ilham Aliyev’s farsightedness. Therefore, the number of persons willing to live, work and study in Azerbaijan and particularly, to become a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan increases year by year.

It was stated that according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from March 6, 2008 the participation of State Migration Service in citizenship issues was provided. 

The importance was also attached to the fact that the meeting with the persons honored to become a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan coincides with National Flag Day, as well as the Constitution Day.

Then 294 persons obtained and 7 persons restored the citizenship solemnly swear an oath by placing their hands on the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan in front of the State Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijan in state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan about being loyal to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that oath is conducted according to the added Article 15-1 of the “Law on the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” added on December 30, 2014. It should be recalled that swearing citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan signs text of oath and this document is reserved at State Migration Service.

Event concluded with singing of the National Anthem.

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