
Meeting was held with Ambassador of Mexico in our country at State Migration Service

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev met with Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the United Mexican States in our country.

At the meeting, F. Nabiyev gave broad information on achievements of the state, measures and reforms carried out in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev.

He noted the successful development of relations between Azerbaijan and Mexico.  He stressed that 2017 has been a significant year with regard to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the dialogue formed between Azerbaijan and Mexico during those years is satisfactory.

Importance of signing of the “Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the United Mexican States on cooperation in the field of education, science, youth, culture and sports”, as well as importance of mutual visits in terms of developing friendly and cooperative relations between Azerbaijan and Mexico was pointed out at the meeting held with exchange of opinion. As well as the importance of bilateral interest in the development of economic relations was mentioned. Continued successful cooperation in the fields of culture, tourism, trade and industry was also notified. It was noted that all of these necessitate improvement of cooperation in the field of migration. 

The head of the Service gave broad information on activity direction of SMS. Opportunities of the Unified Migration Information System were discussed. It was mentioned that Detention centers for illegal migrants complying with modern standards operate under the Service in Baku and Yevlakh.

Referring to active cooperation between Azerbaijan and Mexico within the framework of international organizations, Firudin Nabiyev added that State Migration Service expands cooperation links multilaterally with International Organization of Migration, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, European Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as International Centre for Migration Policy Development and other international and regional organizations. Furthermore, SMS is expanding its cooperation with several countries on legal migration, effective management of migration, readmission, voluntary return, social protection of migrants, carries out joint projects, and also learns progressive and innovative practices in migration sphere. At present in the background of globalization occurring in the world Azerbaijan implements active migration policy in order to influence migration processes in the region, to control migration flows to the country and to manage and regulate internal migration processes according to the national legislation.

Mentioning the multicultural traditions in Azerbaijan F.Nabiyev noted that in a period of Islamophobia and religious intolerance widely happening in most parts of the world, our country is distinguished with its hospitality, safety and stability. In Azerbaijan representatives of all religions and nations live together in peace.

Service chief, informing about aggression towards our country by Armenia, highly appreciated the resolutions accepted by Mexican legislative body related to Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Khojaly genocide. 

Ambassador Rodrigo Labardini noted that bilateral relations are developing at an escalating pace in all spheres. He stressed that Mexico and Azerbaijan are now even closer countries. In last three years political and economic ties between our countries developed extensively. Trade between Azerbaijan and Mexico has tripled. 

At the end opinion exchange was conduct around issues of mutual interest.


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