
State Migration Service organized legal awareness-raising event in Goychay city

Legal awareness-raising event was held by Aghsu Regional Migration Department at the administrative building of Goychay regional branch of the State Examination Center with participation of responsible employees  of Goychay city executive authorities, heads and coordinate representatives of education departments, methodologists, schools directors, foregniers and stateless persons from  Goychay, Aghsu, Kurdamir, Gobustan, Shamakhi, Ismayilli  Ujar, Aghdash and Zardab districts, as well as applicants who got information through the announcement on the web-page of Service.

At the event reports on “Rules for obtaining documents entitling residence in the country to foreigners and stateless persons, who study in the general educational institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and “Establishment of citizenship” were presented by authorized employees of State Migration Service.       

Broad information was given by using video clip, which is available on the website of the Service, and prepared slides for the enlightenment the participants on these topics, the questions were responded in line with the legislation.

The employees of education departments were provided with the list of documents, relevant reference forms and contact details for effective work in the direction of revealing and timely resolution of the issues raised on the above-mentioned topics.

Mobile service was organized at the end of the event. List of the documents on establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 6 persons and on temporary residence permit for 5 persons were presented. 1 person was given reference on establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 2 applications on temporary residence permit were accepted.  In general, 14 applicants used the opportunities of mobile service.

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