
State Migration Service organized “Open Door Day” and legal enlightenment event In Sumgayit

On October 25, State Migration Service organized “Open Door Day” for citizens, foreigners and stateless persons, representatives of relevant state authorities, public organizations, employers and entrepreneurs, also for mass media representatives in Heydar Aliyev Center, in Sumgait.

«Open door day» - civil forum was held in accordance with the “National Action Plan for Promotion of Open Government in 2016-2018” with participation of Chief of Head Department of the Service, III rank state migration counselor Vahid Qahramanov, members of Public Council under State Migration Service and other authorized employees of State Migration Service. The National Action Plan includes a number of principles on increasing transparency in the activity of state authorities, establishing close relations with public and expanding civic engagement. State Migration Service continues organization of such forums and meetings regarding these principles.

Purpose of “Open door day” is to closely familiarize public and mass media representatives with the activity and modern services rendered by the Service.

At the event it was brought into attention that State Migration Service implements the competences of unified state body on “one-stop-shop” principle in the area of regulation and management of migration processes in our country. The field of activity of SMS includes registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay, extension of temporary staying period, issuance and extension of permits for temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits, citizenship issues, establishment of citizenship, determination of refugee status and other issues. Consistent measures for convenient, prompt and transparent service to the citizens are taken both at the headquarters of the Service and regional migration departments. Broad information on electronic and online services of SMS was given on the “Open Door” day. Rules and benefits of using 11 e-services rendered by the Service which is connected to e-government portal were clearly explained and questions related to this issue were responded. At the event it was underlined that the applications of foreigners and stateless persons are also received electronically thanks to electronic services.

It was reported that the official webpage ( ) of the Service which functions for the purpose of introducing the works done to the public and ensuring public awareness on its activity, has been completely renewed, modernized in terms of functionality and design, as well as harmonized with the requirements of the time. Publication of “Migration” journal of State Migration Service which is published in Azerbaijani, English and Russian is organized regularly. Azerbaijan’s migration history, migration policy, topics on regulation of migration processes, procedural rules of migration are widely covered in the Journal.

In order to inform foreigners and stateless persons who entered through the country's border checkpoints, they are provided with the appropriate leaflet in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages at the very checkpoint.

It was noted that complex measures are realized for implementation and development of strategy of information-communication technologies, preparation of new reporting subsystem software and establishment of databases in the Service. Thus, Unified Migration Information System (UMIS) of State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, activity of which is provided in accordance with the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated from February 6, 2009, enables to create a full picture of dynamics of the migration processes occurring in the country. Furthermore, integration of UMIS to “Entry-exit and registration” Interagency Automatized Information Search System and State Registry of Population has been ensured. At the same time strict control is conducted over virtual information security, as well as security of information systems in use, internet resources, e-services and computer networks.

It was stressed at the events that as a result of state care, new modern administrative buildings for State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, State Migration Service of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and 8 regional migration departments have been built and operates. Those buildings fully meet modern requirements and high level service condition is created at the buildings. Reception divisions of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as citizens are provided with modern equipment and necessary tools. Information and legal awareness raising corners on migration issues are established in each regional department of the Service. This serves to ensure public awareness, to increase legal knowledge of foreigners and stateless persons, as well as population in this area.

Particular attention was paid to the fact that arrival purpose of foreigners visiting the country should correspond to the purposes indicated on the visa. In accordance with Article 24.5 of Migration Code the entry visas of ordinary type shall be issued to foreigners and stateless persons entering to the Republic of Azerbaijan for purposes of business, science, education, employment, tourism, culture, sports, humanitarian, treatment and personal travel. According to the Article 24.7 of the same Code, foreigners and stateless persons may stay in the country for the period and purpose shown on the visa. The rights and duties of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan are defined by the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan and according to Article 76.3 of the Code, foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan must adhere to the declared purposes of arrival to the country.

On "Open Door Day" it was noted that 17 076  decisions were made on violation of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan by foreigners and stateless persons as a result of measures and investigations conducted in Baku city, as well as in other cities and districts of the Republic within 9 months of 2017. This includes 1930 decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country, 9122 decisions on imposition of the fine without administrative expulsion from the territory of the country, 5052 decisions on imposition of the fine with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country, 785 decisions on restriction of entry to the territory of the country in accordance with Article 16.1.8 of Migration Code, 187 decisions on replacement of document for temporary and permanent residence.

In total during last 9 months of 2017 State Migration Service received 66 828 applications from foreigners and stateless persons on extending temporary staying period, issuing permits for temporary and permanent residence, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship, as well as establishing citizenship and determining refugee status, issuing work permits for carrying out labor activity and extending period of existing work permits. Each application was investigated in accordance with legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and relevant decisions were made.

During last 9 months of 2017, 633 827 applications by foreigners and stateless persons on registration upon place of stay were recorded.

The work of the Call Center ((012) 919 ) of State Migration Service which functions in 3 languages – Azerbaijani, English and Russian has been totally renewed, as well and the rendered services have been harmonized with international standards by increasing its technical capacities, as well as its activity was fully harmonized with the requirements of “Rules of organizing activity of Call Centers at the State bodies” approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the Decision №50 dated from February 25, 2015 to ensure rule of law in the state bodies, objective investigation and respond of appeals and responding them and, to ensure satisfaction of citizens. Only during last 9 months of this year 79.614 calls were received by the Call Center of the Service.

Also during last 9 months of this year 52 awareness raising events and mobile services were conducted by SMS in different regions of the country.

As mentioned, the purpose of organization of legal awareness raising events, which has become a tradition, by the Service for foreigners and stateless persons, citizens, relevant state bodies, public organizations and other interested parties, is to provide public awareness on registration upon place of stay, elimination of statelessness, fight against illegal migration, and procedures for involving foreigners in paid labor activity, amendments and addendums made in the migration legislation.

The questions were responded and opinion exchange on presentation was conducted at the end of the meeting.

First Deputy Head of Sumgayit Executive Power Faig Kerimov participated at the event. 

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