
Meeting dedicated to the results of 9 months of 2017 and forthcoming tasks held at State Migration Service

Meeting dedicated to the results of 9 months of 2017 and forthcoming tasks was held at State Migration Service (SMS).

Chief of SMS, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev presented a report at the conference held with participation of heads of structural units of the Service. He noted that today under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, to create maximum opportunities for residents of all regions and business spheres of our multinational and multi-confessional country, giant infrastructure and development projects are implemented. Currently, not only the capital but also the regions are developing successfully. Diversification of our economy was possible mainly through the establishment of regional infrastructure and regional development. Before the beginning of his presidency in 2004, Mr Ilham Aliyev said that "we have to turn black gold into human capital." Since then government of Azerbaijan has invested large capital in education and health infrastructure. Appropriate works were done regarding the settlement of refugees and IDPs, nearly 100 settlements were built, 250.000 of them were provided with new homes and apartments, and this process is continuing.

Firudin Nabiyev spoke about the importance of declaring last year "Year of Multiculturalism" in Azerbaijan and this year "Year of Islamic Solidarity". He noted that representatives of all ethnic and religious groups live in Azerbaijan as a family, and this is an important element of successful development of our country. In our republic, where stability and tolerance dominate, no violations against migrants have been recorded.

Chief of the Service noted that one of the most significant events of the past nine months for our country is that Azerbaijan was ranked 35th in the global competitiveness index of the economy in its recent report on the competitiveness of the economy published by the Davos Economic Forum. For the last time, our country was ranked 37th, but now 35th. Azerbaijan is the first among CIS countries with this indicator and being the 35th among the 140 countries is really a great success.

Another remarkable event is the recently signing of a new mega-gas contract with the consortium of leading international energy companies. This contract shall enable Azerbaijan to develop gigantic oil deposits until the year of 2050. Tens of billions of additional investment will be invested to maintain a stable oil production profile.

Chief of the Service underlined that the establishment of the international transport corridor with the participation of our country is successfully continued today, which shall give our country the opportunity to earn more profit from the non-oil sector in the future. In addition, Azerbaijan has also been able to present its huge potential as a tourist country in the shortest time possible.

All these projects are reflected in the number of foreigners arriving in the country and the quality of related services. Therefore, SMS should continue its activities in line with this fast process, as far as it is concerned.

F. Nabiyev said that for the first 9 months of 2017, 1 243 346 foreigners entered the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2,072,076 cases and in 2,077,544 cases, 1,241,005 foreigners left the country.

It was noted that in accordance with staying period in the country during the 9 months 633.827 foreigners and stateless persons applied for registration in the country upon the place of stay.

During the past 9 months of this year 17076 decisions were made on violation of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan by foreigners and stateless persons as a result of measures and investigations conducted in Baku city, as well as in other cities and districts of the Republic.

During the reporting period 66.828 applications were received by State Migration Service on obtaining permits to stay and reside within the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, obtaining work permits to carry out paid labor activity, determination of refugee status, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan and establishment of citizenship. Each application was investigated in accordance with the requirements of legislation and relevant decisions were made.

79.614 calls were received by the Call Center of the Service during 9 months of 2017.

F. Nabiyev emphasized that the achievements gained by the Service were possible thanks to President Ilham Aliyev's care and attention. Thus, improvement of the social conditions of the Service staff, rewarding with orders, medals, honorary titles, rewarding with special titles, as well as the expansion of material and technical capacity to improve the quality of service has created great enthusiasm among the staff.

Service chief recalled the specific tasks set before by President Ilham Aliyev at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the socio-economic development outcomes of the past nine months of 2017 and upcoming duties. He noted that each migration officer must carry out his/her activity with high professionalism and persistence for timely and proper execution of the tasks set forward. Because one of the duties set before State Migration Service by President Ilham Aliyev is: “We must further strengthen our migration policy and create a very strong system. Each foreign citizen arriving in our country must get registered. Not a single person can work illegally here. We have to know at any time where every foreigner is and what is he/she doing”.

Then the reports of the structural units were listened.

Closing up the meeting Service chief, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev noted that State Migration Service implementing the competences of single state authority on “one-stop-shop” principle will continue to successfully fulfill the duties and tasks such as ensuring satisfaction of applicants, protecting security of our state and internal labor market, regulating migration processes.

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