
The event held by the State Migration Service in Mingachevir State University met with interest

At the event organized with the participation of students of the municipal and administrative management, tourism faculty and teachers staff of Mingachevir State University it was emphasized that as a result of the attention of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev substantial improvement and construction works have been carried out not only in the capital, but also in the regions, as well as modern infrastructure has been created. The tourist companies and hotels functioning in Azerbaijan have been built in compliance with world standards, and today our republic has become a promising tourist destination.

It was noted that surrounded with the care and attention of the President Ilham Aliyev the State Migration Service, which identified the use of innovative methods and insurance of transparency in the management and regulation of migration processes as a priority principles, continues to implement measures that meet international standards on provision of rules of stay and residence by foreigners and stateless persons who come to the country, and  provides  them with a convenient, efficient and transparent services.

At the meeting the audience was informed about the application of "ASAN Visa" system which aims to facilitate visits of foreigners to the Republic of Azerbaijan and simplify the registration rules during the period of their stay in the country.

At the event, an explanatory talk was carried out on the registration procedure upon place of stay in the State Migration Service within 10 days from the date of entry to the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of foreigners and stateless persons wishing to stay in the country for more than 10 days.  It was brought into attention that according to Article 21 of the Migration Code, the receiving party - the administrator of hotels, sanatorium, resorts, guest house, camping, tourist base, hospital or other similar public places or the owner of the apartment or other residential premises should submit application for registration upon place of stay and copy of the passport or other border crossing document of foreigner either via online by "electronic services" section of official website of the Service ( )  or directly submit to the regional migration departments.  

Foreigners and stateless persons can also apply for registration upon place of stay in accordance with the procedure established by law. In case of the change in the address of the place of stay, foreigners and stateless persons should inform SMS about this.

The information on extension of temporary staying period of foreigners and stateless persons, granting temporary and permanent residence permissions, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship, as well as establishment of citizenship and determination of refugee status, issuance of work permits for carrying out paid labor activity and extending period of existing work permits from foreigners and stateless persons met by participants with interest.

An extensive interpretation of the Migration Code was given at the meeting.

At the end of the event questions interested the participants regarding the restrictions imposed on the entry of foreigners to the country, responsibility of juridical and physical persons receiving foreigners, admission to the citizenship, and the activities of the Detention centers for Illegal Migrants were answered.

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