
A meeting with the delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce held in State Migration Service

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor, Firudin Nabiyev touched upon the importance of meetings held with the delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce (“AmCham”) till now. He noted that the Service always approaches with attention and care towards private and business sectors. With the participation of the management of the Service, numerous meetings were held at business forums with businessmen, employers' representatives, entrepreneurs, including representatives of ATBA, TIBA, AMCHAM, German-Azerbaijani Foreign Trade Chamber, and measures were taken for immediate solution of the issues discussed during these meetings as soon as possible. He expressed his confidence that today's meeting will yield good results too.

Chief of the Service emphasized that today migration and its management turned into actual issue in the world. At the same time realization of relevant migration policy to regulate migration processes in accordance with economic interests of the country has great importance. F.Nabiyev added that domestic and foreign policy carried out by President Ilham Aliyev increase international reputation of Azerbaijan day by day. Fundamental reforms carried out in our country already yield results. The grandiose transnational projects of Azerbaijan change energy and transport map of Eurasia.  

Chief of the Service said that the basis of successes is stability and security in our country. Because no investments are directed to unstable country. Today reliable international events, as well as sport games organized in our republic, which was added to the list of secure countries, increase reputation of Azerbaijan in international arena.

Noting that sustainable and competitive development of non-oil sector is priority direction of economic policy of the state, F.Nabiyev brought to the attention of participants through concrete facts the importance of confirmation of strategic roadmaps of main sectors of the economy and determination of strategic roadmap of tourism development, as one of these areas, in accordance with Decree of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from 2016. Speaking about the increasing role of tourism in economy of the country, Chief of the Service said that State Migration Service is represented at Tourism Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which was established to coordinate work in this area. He noted that obtaining tourism visa in 3 days, even within 3 hours, as a result of application of “ASAN Visa” system since the beginning of 2017, caused increase in number of people intending to visit our country. He explained that works are conducted on obtaining electron visa up to 90 days on the basis of multiple visas.

He also spoke about activity directions and attained achievements of State Migration Service, which was established 11 years ago- in 2007, for the purpose of conducting effective measures to manage those processes at the background of enhancing migration processes. Since 2009 activity of the Unified Migration Information System (UMIS) of SMS was ensured in order to keep under full control residence place, working place and departure of every foreigner and stateless person via this system today. Chief of the Service noted that Azerbaijan showed an example in migration management sphere by adopting Migration Code for the first time in 2013.

Chief of the Service especially emphasized that employees of migration authorities who are covered by supreme attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev, also try to resolve migration issues of foreigners arriving in our country promptly.

11 e-services rendered by the Service integrated to “E-Government” portal. Online payment of fines and fees by foreigners and stateless persons, as well as citizens of Azerbaijan was organized to ensure transparency.

F.Nabiyev brought to the attention of the delegation that several types of services are represented by State Migration Service in centers of ASAN service, which is brand of Azerbaijan. He stated that one of the attained achievements is that State Migration Service is at the forefront according to the results of the assessment of public services on criteria of "ASAN service index".

Talking about the acceleration of works on the full transition of the Service to electronic document circulation at present, Chief of the Service spoke about the role of this taken step in ensuring comfort of persons who will apply during submission of applications in future.

Touching upon the activity directions of Public Council, established at the Service, F.Nabiyev stated about the measures conducted in the direction of organizing public discussions on significant issues in migration sphere.

Saying that rights and liberties of migrants in Azerbaijan are protected at a high level, Chief of the Service informed that most of labor migrants in the country are high level specialists and they are engaged mostly in industry, construction, education and other areas.

At the same time, as a result of state control over migration processes conducted by State Migration Service, in accordance with the Protocol on cooperation in the field of nationalization signed between SOCAR and BP-Azerbaijan in 2013, with the participation of the Service, control over the substitution of foreign personnel stage by stage with national staff in the oil and gas projects was strengthened. According to the plan covering 2014-2018, the targets set for the achievement of 95% of the nationalization indicators of companies operating in oil and gas projects are already attained.

Chief of the Service stated that constant work are carried out towards simplification of documentation on granting residence and work permits to foreigners.

F.Nabiyev touched upon the measures on fighting against illegal migration. He noted with regret that cases on involvement of illegal labor migrants by some companies from abroad are recorded. Thereby discussions with employers are conducted when certain information is received by SMS. Suspension of inspections in the field of entrepreneurship should not give confidence to companies, employers have to show adequate attitude to care and attention of the Head of the state towards them and they should obey the laws.

F.Nabiyev added again that, of course, Azerbaijan has great potential opportunities in social-economic and other areas. State Migration Service, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, tries to contribute to realization of state development strategy of Azerbaijan and consecutive implementation of measures to ensure economic security of our country.

Members of delegation of the American Chamber of Commerce expressed gratitude for warm meeting. They expressed their willingness to discuss migration issues with the Service for preparation of the next edition of White Paper entitled “Observations and Recommendations for Improving Azerbaijan’s Business Climate”.

At the meeting exchange of views was conducted on other interested issues.

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