
Workshop on “Solution of statelessness issues and the works done in this direction” was held in Zagatala

In order to raise awareness of population about the migration legislation a workshop was held on “Solution of statelessness issues and the works done in this direction” in Zagatala which is included in the service area of Shaki Regional Migration Department. During the event held with participation of representatives from administrative units of the region, foreigners and stateless persons who are the residents of that area and public representatives it was mentioned that right to citizenship determines legal status of the person as one of the important human rights. The Republic of Azerbaijan has acceded to a number of international documents related to elimination of statelessness and numerous normative acts were adopted to regulate relationships with stateless persons in our country. Adoption of the Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” in September 30, 1998 is an important step towards eradication of statelessness.

Broad explanation was given on the provisions of the “Rules for establishment of the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with Decision of Cabinet of Ministers №84 dated from March 18, 2015.

It was informed that large-scale awareness raising measures have been taken by SMS towards elimination and eradication of statelessness in our country, as well as documentation of persons who are stateless. The relevant measures on documentation of persons without any identification document were accelerated.

One of the main issues in citizenship law refers to persons with double citizenship. This issue was also discussed at the workshop. It was mentioned that over the past period existing legislative acts in this sphere were amended. Thus, according to the amendments made on May 30, 2014 to the Law “On citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” Article 10 of the amended Law envisages that in cases when citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan has double citizenship (bears citizenship of another state (or states) alongside with the citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan) the affiliation of an Azerbaijani citizen to citizenship of a foreign state shall not be recognized, except for cases provided by international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan, or in cases resolved in accordance with paragraph 32, Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan who adopted citizenship of a foreign state should give written information about this, within a month, to State Migration Service in case he/she is on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan or if he/she is abroad to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan. “Application form by the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan for providing information on adoption of citizenship of foreign country” was confirmed by Decision № 18 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated from January 29, 2015 and was placed in the official website of the Service ( It was highlighted that failure to provide such information by those persons leads to a responsibility envisaged by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

On the same day mobile service was rendered in Zagatala, as well. 26 persons used the opportunities of mobile service. Thus, permission cards for temporary and permanent residence within the territory of Azerbaijan for 9 persons and 11 references on establishment of citizenship were presented. Furthermore, 6 persons were provided with the list of documents required to apply for establishment of citizenship, as well as to obtain temporary, permanent residence and work permits.

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