
Awareness raising events held in regions regarding migration are met with gratitude by society

The meeting for the purpose of promotion of migration legislation was held in Ganja State University with the participation of foreign and local students of Ganja State University, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University and Azerbaijan Technological University. The detailed information was given on services rendered by State Migration Service to foreigners and stateless persons such as registration upon place of stay, granting temporary and permanent residence, as well as work permits and administrative liability envisaged in Administrative Offences Code about foreigners and stateless persons.

At the meeting competent employee of the Service noted that services rendered by SMS via 11 e-services which are integrated to “E-Government” portal ensure convenience of applicants, operativeness and transparency as well. Because the main purpose of novelties applied in migration field is to improve the level of satisfaction of served contingent, as well as foreigners and stateless persons.

It was mentioned that today 8 Regional Migration Departments of the State Migration Service functions with full capacity. It was emphasized that every foreigner and stateless person arriving in the country must, certainly, legalize his/her stay or residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Another awareness raising event under theme “Settlement of citizenship issues is the priority task of State Migration Service” theme was held in Bilasuvar city at the secondary school number 4 with the participation of teachers and pupils of senior classes.

It was brought into attention of event participants that according to migration legislation unless otherwise is envisaged by the law and international agreements which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to, foreigners and stateless persons enjoy equally all rights as the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan while staying in the Republic of Azerbaijan. An innovative legislative base that ensures comfortable and legal arrival, stay, residence, work and study of foreigners in the republic was established.

It was noted that the participation of State Migration Service in citizenship issues was ensured by the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated from March 6, 2008. Since that period State Migration Service has been making investigation of applications and requests received from persons and different organizations regarding adoption, restoration, revocation, as well as establishment of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The works of State Migration Service on these directions are implemented in accordance with the requirements of Constitution, relevant legislative acts, as well as international agreements which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to.

It was informed that the adoption of “Rule on establishment of citizenship of the person to the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved by the Decision of Cabinet of Ministers №84 dated from March 18, 2015 is one of the other relevant steps taken towards eradication and elimination of statelessness cases.

As it is envisaged in paragraph 4.3 of that Rule, affiliation to the citizenship of Azerbaijan is recognized in case of failing to register upon place of residence in our republic by persons who have been citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan (or Azerbaijan SSR) and have not left the territory of the country until the day on which “Law on Citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan” entered into force (till October 7, 1998) results in their statelessness. This is the result of purposeful and humanitarian policy implemented by our state in the field of eradication of statelessness and fight against root causes of these situations.

According to this rule challenges in provision of identity documents faced by children who have lost their parents and deprived from parental care, persons who have been imprisoned in facilities and military personnel in military service were resolved.

The applications on establishment of citizenship are received at State Migration Service, Regional Migration Departments or ASAN Service centers and circulation of the documents is conducted electronically.

At the event amendments and addendums to migration legislation, procedures on entry to and exit from the Republic of Azerbaijan, temporary stay and registration upon place of stay for foreigners were talked about, as well.

Both events met with interest, questions interested the participants were answered and opinion exchange was conducted.

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