
Chief of State Migration Service had a meeting with Ambassador of Tajikistan in Azerbaijan

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counsellor Firudin Nabiyev met with Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Republic of Tajikistan in our country.

Congratulating Ambassador Rustam Soliev for his appointment chief of State Migration Service mentioned successful outcomes of effective discussions on further enlargement of cooperation held during the regular meetings between president Ilham Aliyev and Emomali Rahmon and stressed sincere relations between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan.

Relations at the bilateral level between the countries and at the multilateral level within international organizations were discussed at the meeting. It was stated that Azerbaijan and Tajikistan are friendly countries. Assurance was expressed on further continuation of efforts in the direction of strengthening and further improvement of friendly and fraternal ties between the two countries.

F.Nabiyev informed the Ambassador on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and noted occupation of Azerbaijan’s 20 per cent territory by Armenian armed forces, and failure to fulfill 4 resolution of the UN Security Council until now by Armenia. Special attention was attached to the very serious issues touched upon by President Ilham Aliyev during his speech at the UN.

Service chief talked about application of “one-stop-shop” principle for rendering migration services, Unified Migration Information System, facilitation of relevant procedures indicated in Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including registration of foreigners and stateless persons upon place of stay, grounds and periods of residence within the territory of the country, issuance of work permit, application of other appropriate norms determined, as well as constant attention over protection of migrants’ rights.

F.Nabiyev shared his opinion on successful development of relations between the two countries in the field of migration as in all areas.

The Ambassador, in his turn, expressed his gratitude to the chief of State Migration Service for the meeting and congratulation. Brotherly relation between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan was emphasized by the diplomat. He stressed that he will mobilize all his efforts for the sake of further development of ties between the two countries.

At the meeting opinion exchange was conducted on the other issues of mutual interest related with migration.

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