
Chief of State Migration Service held a number of meetings in Zagreb

At the meeting of delegation led by chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev with the officials of the Croatian Office for Human Rights and Rights of National Minorities the sides shared experience on measures regarding national referral mechanisms on trafficking in human beings, integration of people who enjoy humanitarian protection.

Service chief informed that provision of human rights and freedoms is identified as the supreme goal of the state in the Constitution of our country. Considering the significance of real life application of the principle to protect human rights which is reflected in the principal law, Azerbaijan acceded to the main international legal documents in the field of human rights. Today the country follows a sensitive approach towards migrants and relies on principle of respect for human rights and freedoms, rule of law and international law in its migration policy. The Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan and members of National Preventive Group are eligible to visit Detention Centers for Illegal Migrants of SMS at any time, without any obstacle and without prior notice and to have face-to-face meetings with foreigners and stateless persons voluntarily or compulsorily placed, as well as any other persons who are capable of providing relevant information.

F.Nabiyev stressed that Azerbaijan increases its efforts year after year to combat human trafficking. Although the main competences in the field of human trafficking are implemented by Main Department on Combating Trafficking in Human of Ministry of Interior State Migration Service assists to identify victims of human trafficking, takes into account the likelihood of victims of human trafficking during the fight against illegal migration and applies a sensitive approach in relation to those persons. The country has ratified Council of Europe Convention on “Action against Trafficking in Human Beings” in 2010. Moreover, “Action Plan on fight against trafficking in human beings and forced labor, as well as prevention of the occurrence of such cases, elimination of its consequences (2013-2018)" among MoI, SMS and MLSPP is successfully implemented.

At the meeting held at the Croatian Employment Service it was mentioned that according to Migration Code every able-bodied foreigner, as well as stateless person over 18 is eligible to engage in paid labour activity in Azerbaijan. While being within the country foreigners and stateless persons can enjoy all labour rights equal to Azerbaijani citizens and restriction of their labour rights is prohibited except the cases defined by the law. In accordance with Migration Code migrants who fall under the defined category are not required to obtain work permit in order to engage in paid labour activity. For instance, migrant who obtained residence permit on the basis of marriage with Azerbaijani citizen are exempt from the requirement of work permit in order to facilitate their integration to our society. While the previous legislation limited issuance of work permit up to four times, this limitation is removed by the Code. Since 2010 work permit has been issued within the labour migration quota determined for each area of economic activity every year in accordance with “Rules for determination of labour migration quota”. Internal labour market in the country and demand for labour force are taken into account in this process.

Service chief emphasized special attention attached to the development of bilateral relation in migration area by SMS and ongoing works in the direction of signing agreements on cooperation in the field of migration with a number of countries.

Opinion exchange was conducted related with other issues of mutual interest at the meetings.

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