
Chief of State Migration Service Firudin Nabiyev is on a visit to Croatia

Chief of State Migration Service, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev met with high officials of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. The significance of relations between Azerbaijan and Croatia and the interest of both countries in strengthening and expanding existing cooperation and fraternal links were noted at the meeting held within an atmosphere of mutual exchange of opinion. The emphasis was placed on the importance of regular meetings at head of state level, official visit of the President of the Republic of Croatia Mrs. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic to Baku in 2016, her meetings with President Ilham Aliyev at international events and unanimity of opinion on migrant/refugee crisis and on assisting those people. It was highlighted that the parties have common interest in large-scale cooperation in the fields of economic, defense and security, trade, investment, tourism, all types of transportation, science and technology, ecology, information, social protection, culture, youth and sport and was mentioned that all of these create a necessity for cooperation between Azerbaijan and Croatia in migration sphere, as well.

 At the meeting the Chief of State Migration Service Firudin Nabiyev gave information about SMS which is a special state agency implementing unified state policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in migration sphere. He noted that vis-à-vis the globalization stirring in the world Azerbaijan pursues active migration policy in order to influence the migration processes in the region, to control migration flows within the country and to manage and regulate migration processes in the country in compliance with national legislation.  Since 2012 Detention Centers for Illegal Migrant of SMS operate in Baku and Yevlakh cities. All conditions were available for uninterrupted operation of the Center in line with international standards and norms. Necessary legislative acts were adopted related to rights and duties of migrants who are voluntarily or forcibly placed there.

F.Nabiyev noted that around 20 bilateral agreements covering different aspects were signed between Azerbaijan and Croatia. Today a need for such kind of cooperation occurs in the migration field as well. Moreover, “the Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union on the Readmission of persons residing without authorization” was signed in Brussels, on February 28, 2014 and came into force on September 1, 2014. Similar agreements were signed with Switzerland, Norway and Montenegro, as well. 324 citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan were readmitted in accordance with the agreements. The Service pays special importance to reintegration of readmitted Azerbaijan citizens within the international projects implementing with international partners. There is indeed no Azerbaijani nationals was readmitted from Croatia.

Service chief mentioned that “Cooperation Agreement between State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan and International Organization for Migration on Pilot Project on Assistance for the Voluntary Return of Migrants from Azerbaijan” was signed last year taking into account benefits of human-centered approach to migration for migrants and society. The measures are continued to realize the Agreement.

The chief of State Migration Service informed about facilitated procedure on foreigners’ entry to and exit from Azerbaijan with direct initiative of head of state. Thus, as a result of application of “ASAN Visa” system since the beginning of 2017 it is possible to obtain visa within 3 days, as well as in 3 hours.

Emphasizing Armenian aggression towards Azerbaijan and our more than one million compatriots living as refugees and internally displaced persons F.Nabiyev mentioned that 6.2 billion manats, in total, were spent to address refugees and IDPs’ problems. Measures on employment, education, accommodation, medical and social provision of these persons are continuously implemented by Azerbaijani Government on step by step bases with respect to the principle of firstly dealing with families living in worse conditions. For this purpose, around a hundred modern settlements have been built. In Azerbaijan dealing with such a heavy burden State Migration Service has ensured complete implementation of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan on refugees (asylum seekers) since 2008. In 2013 State Migration Service joined ““The Asylum Systems Quality Initiative in Eastern Europe and South Caucasus” Project funded by the European Commission and the UNHCR and actively participates in all activities organized in the framework of the project.

Later on discussions were held on singing Implementation Protocol pursuant to the Readmission Agreement in force between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the European Union.

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