
Statistical information of the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan for August 2017

2837 decisions were made by State Migration Service on violation of migration, as well as administrative legislation by foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan during the month.

Enhancing state control over migration processes in our republic as well as measures conducted by State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the purpose of combatting illegal migration were continued during last  month, as well.

During August, 2017 2837 decisions were made on violation of migration, as well as administrative legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan by foreigners and stateless persons as a result of measures and investigations conducted in Baku city, as well as in other cities and districts of the Republic. This includes 272 decisions on legalization of residence within the territory of the country, 1375 decisions on imposition of the penalty without administrative expulsion from the territory of the country, 969 decisions on imposition of the penalty with administrative expulsion from the territory of the country, 197 decisions on restriction of entry to the territory of the country in accordance with Article 16.1.8 of Migration Code, 24 decisions on replacement of document for temporary and permanent residence.

In total during the month State Migration Service received 7181 applications on extending temporary staying period, obtaining temporary and permanent residence permissions, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship, as well as establishing citizenship and determining refugee status, issuing work permits for carrying out labor activity and extending period of existing work permits from foreigners and stateless persons. Each application was investigated in accordance with legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and relevant decisions were made.

113982 applications of foreigners and stateless persons on registration upon place of stay were registered during the last month.

State Migration Service organized 1 public awareness event and 1 mobile service during the month. Moreover, on the occasion of “International peace day” the events on “Sovereign policy pursued by Azerbaijan and impact of this policy on regulation of migration process”, “Protection of migrants’ rights as a duty of State Migration Service” and “Social integration of migrants” were held with participation of district residents in Gusar, Zagatala and Lankaran State University.

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