
Events were organized by State Migration Service in the regions on the occasion of “International peace day”

September 21 is celebrated as the “International Peace Day” in all world countries. In this regard, different events are usually organized in our country during August 21- September 21.

In compliance with the provisions of the “National Action Program in the field of increasing efficiency of protection of human rights and freedoms in Republic of Azerbaijan” approved with the Order of the President Ilham Aliyev dated December 27, 2011, State Migration Service conducted events in Gusar within the area of Khachmaz regional migration department, in Zagatala including in the service area of Sheki regional migration department and at Lankaran State University with the public participation.

The works done by SMS on raising public awareness on requirements of migration legislation and achieved results were touched upon at the conducted events. State Migration Service officials made speeches on topics of “Sovereign policy pursued by Azerbaijan and impact of this policy on regulation of migration process”, “The protection of migrants’ rights as a duty of State Migration Service” and “Social integration of migrants”.

It was emphasized at the events that Azerbaijan creates broad opportunity for cultural groups to get socialized, alongside with its support to the development of different cultures.

A sharp increase in the number of foreigners visiting our country is observed in the recent years. The persons, who, in times, travelled to Europe for vacation, now prefer to visit Azerbaijan as a tourist, since Azerbaijan is a stable and tolerant country. Pointing the national solidarity and interethnic friendship in Azerbaijan as an honorable fact, the speakers highlighted that the President Ilham Aliyev, farseeing the future processes, established State Migration Service in 2007 in order to enable migrants in Azerbaijan to enjoy their convenience, while the present tension on migration issues wasn’t apparent in the world.

At the events it was noted that the celebration of International Peace Day by Azerbaijani people in its pure understanding, principally depends on cessation of Armenian aggression towards Azerbaijan and settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

The questions interesting representative of public related with those topics were answered at the events held by State Migration Service for the purpose of promoting the development of the people’s legal understanding and legal culture, protection of human rights and liberties, unacceptability of discrimination, the culture of peace and tolerance, national and cultural values of our people.

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