
The measures against illegal migration are continued by State Migration Service

5 Pakistani, 5 Indian, 1 Philippino, 1 Turkish and 1 Kazakhstani citizen who illegally resided on the territory of the country were detained during the measures carried out by State Migration Service against illegal migration through the last week.

It was revealed through the investigation that 5 Pakistani citizens (Gasim Malik Ghulam, Zaheed Abdul Majeed, Saleem Tamoor, Usman Muhammad, Kohna Irshad Ali Khan) entered the country with electronic visa and later on turned into illegal migrants.

Indian citizen Navdeep Saklani who was detained as a result of taken measures promised his compatriots (Gurmukh Singh, Singh Dilbag, Arminder Singh, Rajanpreet Singh) to recruit and to get for them temporary residence and work permit for carrying out paid labor activity on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as paved the way for them to become illegal migrants. A.Singh and S.Dilbag applied to State Migration Service in order to obtain temporary residence permit accordingly as a director of “Singh Company” LTD and deputy director of “Singhs and Indian” LTD. They did not left the country after their applications were rejected due to the inactiveness of the companies and were detained as a result of taken measures.

Moreover, relevant information was forwarded to General Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings considering the possibility of Philippino citizen being involved in forced labor.

It was revealed that detained Kazakhstani citizen Larisa Varfolomeyeva and Turkish citizen Ali Gunesh resided on the territory of the country illegally since 1994 and 2015 relevantly.

The persons placed at Baku city Detention Center for Illegal Migrants of State Migration Service were involved in relevant administrative liability for the revealed facts.

Measures are continued by the State Migration Service in the framework of fight against illegal migration.

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