
Meeting dedicated to the results of the first half of 2017 at State Migration Service    

Meeting dedicated to the results of the first half of 2017 was held at State Migration Service (SMS).

Chief of SMS, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev presented a report at the conference held with participation of heads of structural units of the Service. He noted that Azerbaijan is living the most magnificent development and mighty statehood era of its history. These achievements are based on the national development policy and public stability founded by National Leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev. Recent crisis happened in different countries of the world, decline of various countries prove once again that the development of society is not possible without guarantying security beforehand. F.Nabiyev added that our country stepped into the new stage of development, became the symbol of our independent statehood advancing towards future success and progress with the election of Ilham Aliyev as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in October, 2003, who determined establishment of activity in all government authorities based on national interests, rule of law, the principles of supremacy of human rights and freedoms as the main purpose.

Service chief mentioned that Azerbaijan attracts attention of foreigners as a place of stability. Furthermore, our republic hosted a number of international events at high level only within the first half of this year and SMS successfully fulfilled the entrusted duties related with these processes. Thus, IV Islamic Solidarity Games, Formula 1 European Grand Prix, IV World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue held in this year are next perfect organizational model established by Azerbaijan. Within the reporting period necessary measures was taken in the direction of organizing free arrival and departure of foreigners and stateless persons visiting our country for these prestigious projects and for different purposes and rapid solution of migration related issues.

Service chief emphasized that migrants usually move to the countries which are economically highly developed. The activities implemented for the development of tourism sector, application of “ASAN visa” system and stability resulted in sufficient increase in the number of foreigners visiting Azerbaijan during the last 6 months.

F.Nabiyev informed that within the first half of 2017 1.199.770 entries by 747.107 foreigners and stateless persons was registered via the Unified Migration Information System. This number was 955.279 entries by 529.924 persons in the relevant period of 2016.

It was stressed that 328.159 foreigners and stateless persons applied for registration upon place of stay in accordance with the period of stay in the country, and this is considerably higher than the corresponding period of the previous year.

During the first half of this year 5.391 decisions were made on leaving the country within 48 hours by imposing a fine in line with the Code of Administrative Offences.

During the reporting period 45.099 applications were received by State Migration Service on obtaining permits to stay and reside within the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, obtaining work permits to carry out paid labor activity, determination of refugee status, adoption, revocation and restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Azerbaijan and establishment of citizenship. Each application was investigated in accordance with the requirements of legislation and relevant decisions were made.

46.992 calls were received by the Call Center of the Service during 6 months of 2017.

F. Nabiyev emphasized that the achievements gained by the Service were possible thanks to President Ilham Aliyev's care and attention.

Service chief recalled the specific tasks set before by President Ilham Aliyev at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the results of the first half of 2017 and upcoming duties. He noted that each migration officer must carry out his/her activity with high professionalism and persistence for timely and proper execution of the tasks set forward.

Then the reports of the structural units were listened.

Closing up the meeting Service chief, II rank state migration service counselor Firudin Nabiyev noted that State Migration Service implementing the competences of single state authority on “one-stop-shop” principle will continue to successfully fulfill the duties and tasks such as ensuring satisfaction of applicants, protecting security of our state and internal labor market, regulating migration processes.

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